I've heard from a lot of listeners -- that's what we do for a living, talk to good folks in the Heartland every day -- and I've talked to as many who want an increased military presence in Iraq as want us out, which seems to be the larger debate, at least coming from the left -- cut and run, get out of there. One fax said, when you talk to the Vice President, ask him when shock and awe is coming back to Iraq. Let's finish the job once and for all. - random right wing radio talk show hostFrom a Greenwald post:
Seems the wingers don't think we're "losing" in Iraq due to botched leadership, but because we're not killing enough people. They're calling for..
Iraq deserves one last chance. But to make that chance even remotely viable, we'll have to take desperate measures. We need to fight. And accept the consequences.There's been an endless string of "one last chance".. every 6 months, some idiot says "the next 6 months are pivotal".
The first thing we need to do is to kill Muqtada al-Sadr, who's now a greater threat to our strategic goals than Osama bin Laden.
We should've killed him in 2003, when he first embarked upon his murder campaign. But our leaders were afraid of provoking riots.
Back then, the tumult might've lasted a week. Now we'll face a serious uprising. So be it. When you put off paying war's price, you pay compound interest in blood.
We must kill - not capture - Muqtada, then kill every gunman who comes out in the streets to avenge him.
Well, guess what? All those fuckers were wrong the first time, and they're wrong again. It's not just bad decision making, it's flawed ideology.
And look.. lets face it.. the "good folks in the Heartland" are the types of people who are fortunate to have graduated from high school. In short.. they're morons (on average). Why would anybody listen to them?
And when all is said and done.. when American troops are finally out of Iraq.. when the bloodbath rages without us, and the failure complete... those assholes will blame it on the liberals who "didn't have the stomache for the fight".
I approve of killing al-Sadr. I dont think people, no matter there proffesion, should be exempt when they take similar action and make similar statements.
Clarification: Other than that, I pretty much completely disagree.
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