Friday, September 29, 2006


I just got another "Spirit of Greatness" award.. I think it's like the 3rd one I've had in the last few months, and my manager read off the "you're unbelievably awesome" feedback from the client.. so I can add it to the stack of them on my desk..

But the good part is that it comes with a bonus.. woot!

There's a somewhat twisted back-story to the whole thing, but some things are better left merely speculated...

My raise was something like 5 grand last year.. this year I'm going to push them. I know my company bills the government about 180 grand a year for my time, and I deserve a bigger cut of that.


Steve said...

I did contract work for awhile, and was being paid $40/hr.

Sounded like a pretty sweet deal for me, fresh out of school n what not.

It didn't take long for me to figure out the company that was contractin me was getting $110/hr for that time.

Makes you feel so good inside to know you're getting totally screwed.


Anonymous said...

You have done so good would you have thought this several years ago? You are reaping the rewards of your past. Keep it up I'm proud of you.
A person from your past.