I’m giving a persuasive speech next week Tuesday at my Christian college on why a person shouldn’t be religious (or something along those lines I haven’t finalized the “title”). I need a reference from an outside source. You are a very well informed person, and you know many reasons why religion is bad. So any insight would be awesome.The good news is that he's spit out the Kool-Aid. The bad news is that I don't want him to think that religion per-se is a bad thing, just judgmental organized religion and the so-called "centrist" religious that enable the extremists.
You might be wondering why a person who was so for religion a few months ago is doing a speech on this topic. Well ever since I started attending this Christian college I have seen first hand how crazy religious people can be. It makes me sick sometimes how close-minded they are. They are all conservative and have strong opinions on controversial political topics, but know little or nothing of the reasons they think that other than that that’s what the church tells them to think. They also know nothing of an opposing view on the topic and if you try to explain the opposing view to them they tend to put their hands over their ears and go, “La la la la, I can’t hear you!” or something of that nature. There are many other things I have seen that show religion to be evil, but they are the classics that you already know about so I won’t bore you with detail. So am transferring out of this college at semester, but this speech will give me a chance to explain an opposing view point to some of them before I go whether they like it or not.
Still, I consider that a success. I just don't want to write an essay for him to put it all in proper perspective when he needs to figure that out on his own. I'll just see if I can direct him to some sensible essays and let him plagarize those.
Not going to mention who it is? How about a hint? =)
Honestly - give him the link to dilbertblog and tell him to read all the archives. There's a lot of good ideas in there that will get him thinking and questioning so he can come to his own conclusions better. And have him download God's Debris for free and read that.
Umm.. not even a hint, but if you did a search on the forums, you'd figure it out.
I'll see what I can put together tomorrow at work.. but God's Debris is a good tip..
If it's who I think it is then wow, if not then I'll have to dig deeper.
Ah hell who am I kidding, I'll just go look in your inbox and find out... :)
Cause I have that power... but I wont cause of these damn morals and shit :(
I looked a bit on the forums but didn't find it. I didn't look too hard though.
It can't be our little Mormon 'lock friend can it?
That was my guess. :)
I was thinking our pastor in traingin warrior, but the lock is a good guess too.
Now that we are on this topic, there was conversation between myself, the remaining emo warrior, and the old emo warrior about how, "'Tom' can't get girls"
I was in hysterics.
Actually.. if you want to get lots of girls.. just claim to be gay, and they will fall all over themselves trying to "cure" you.
Most actually think that they are so awesome that there's no way you won't go instantly straight because they are so incredible.
Besides.. most gay guys are "in touch with their feelings" or some such bullshit, and girls like that kind of crap..
Trust me...
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