I had CNN on in the background while surfing the net, and Larry King came on interviewing James McGreevey.. the former Governor of New Jersey, who was outed and resigned in '04. I normally don't watch Larry King because I can't stand his insipid interviews, but the interview was very good. McGreevey's story is very compelling, and it's amazing how much better he seems to be doing now that's he not hiding anything.
He's even got a new partner.. and it's not terribly surprising that he's a classically handsome Australian, who is essentially a perfect person. Well, at least in the traditional sense of perfection. McGreevey strikes me as one of those people who always had every bit of good luck land right in their lap.. so to speak.
During the interview, they cut to Anderson Cooper for a news update.. who is also gay.. It was just wall to wall homo.. except for the 20 times (or some shit) married Larry..

That's me and John visiting the motherland (San Francisco).. Maybe now the references to Matt Cooper make sense..
God damn I need to get some sun.. Sometimes being Irish sucks.. but at least I know how to drink..
So that's what you look like... :) I've known you a bout a yearish now and never seen a pic. :)
That was a good trip! Remember the limo ride from fisherman's wharf, and hearing the street cars clang all they way up near the top of the Grand Hyatt! It's cold in San Fran during the summer!
I'm ready to go to Phoenix....but I haven't been invited yet!
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