Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Unfinished business?

I've got a new term to describe right wing pro-death warmongers. They're now to be referred to as "zerosumers".

Most of the nutjobs have been frothing at the mouth about Iran, without really saying what they want to do about it. I know what most of them want to do is turn the entire middle east into a radioactive parking lot, but they don't have the balls to come right out and say it. At least most don't. They seem to think that most people would find them psychotic - and that's the point.

Anyway.. I asked one, whose blog I chuckle over, what he wanted to do, and the response was;

We don't need to invade Iran, but we could bomb the heck out of their nuclear enrichment sites and reactors.
And that would do nothing other than escalate the hostilities.. but the bonus is that the rapture index would get a serious bump.

Assume for a second that the military knows where all the nuke plants are, the wingers actually believe that if they just keep bombing them, they Iranians will never get a nuclear weapon. That's how stupid wingers are. They assume there is no other route that Iran could get a single nuclear weapon. Uh huh.. They assume Iran could not build a nuclear bomb regardless of the American Air Force bombing the shit out of them.

What you end up with is Iran, with a bomb, and severely pissed off - and so you might as well go ahead and unload your nukes on them because it's just going to go downhill fast.

This philosophy is very similar to the right wing's approach to terrorism. They would say "kill the terrorist". Oh look.. there's one less terrorist. Do that, say 100,000 times? Slowly we see the list of terrorists tick down.. Boom Boom Boom.. now there's only 50,000. Boom BOom.. 10,000. Boom BOom 100!!! Almost there!!! Boom Boom.. Oh my fucking god we just killed the last terrorist. Lets all have beers together and sign songs about how great the world is now that we've defeated terrorism, by method of bloody carnage - death and destruction.

That's a stupid as fuck point of view - and that's how many Americans think.

** update **

Rush "I got a boner" Limabaugh's solution to the Israeli - Hezbollah conflict is for Israel to kill a lot of Lebanese civilians. I'm not kidding. link:

Until civilians -- frankly, I'm not sure how many of them are actually just innocent little civilians running around versus active Hezbo types, particularly the men, but until those civilians start paying a price for propping up these kinds of regimes, it's not going to end, folks. What do you mean, civilians start paying a price? I just ask you to consult history for the answer to that. It's not their fault, Rush, it's not their fault! No. Not saying that it is.
And the world inches closer to armageddon.. and people like Limbaugh have a radio show, and a large audience.. and organized religion continues it's assault on the civilized world.

Any question what really needs to be destroyed in this world? Any question at all?


Anonymous said...

What perception! Speaking of the "Rapture Index," which Tim LaHaye and fellow rapturescapists just love, I've noticed it's doing its part to help fulfill the most focused on "sign" in Matthew 24: DECEPTION. If the RI would add up the total numerical value of its own deception, it would self-destruct! Actually it should be called the "Second Advent Index" since its "precursors" are fulfilled during the tribulation and point to only the final advent and not to a supposed "pretrib" rapture which no pre-1830 church ever taught. At the same time, RI inventor Todd Strandberg declares that the "pretrib" rapture is "signless" - which is believable if "precursors" can't be signs! Want more info? Type in "Pretrib Rapture Diehards" on Google and you will have to conclude that the RI is a delusion resting upon a delusion of the 1800s! THE OBSERVER

Tom said...

I don't know what's more bizzare.. the rapture index, or that you know so much about it..