Thursday, July 06, 2006

Quote of the Day

Now, we know that for almost every goddamn non-Mexican thing, the Republican Congress has rolled itself over and presented its ass for rough fucking by the White House, which has gladly fucked away. And, already, Bill Frist has raised his haunches and spread his cheeks for easy access, saying, "Congress should work with the president to update our laws on terrorist combatants to respond to the new threats of a post-9/11 world" as he prepares to offer a Gitmo trials bill. Surely, the mad House of Representatives is doing the same. Pretty much what you can expect is a crazy-ass dash to specifically define every little monarchical power Cheney, Rove, and Gonzalez want Bush to have put into one Omnibus "Fuck You, Judiciary" bill, and Joe Lieberman will actually blow himself in joy while Arlen Specter sighs, wondering if he should have just foregone the chemo. - The Rude Pundit
Commenting on the Hamden decision handed down by the Supreme Court; saying it like only TRP can.

But I'm curious how "9/11 changed everything"? What is the post-9/11 world? During every major military conflict in American history, rules were officially observed. Geneva Conventions were observed. The rule of law was the rule of law.

Why is the current American government so inept that they cannot defend this nation without throwing away the American way of life?

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