Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Picking a fight

So, I left a comment on the "right wing guy" blog.

Nobody is justifying "atrocities" you moron. The only reason you could possibly say the IRA was "classier" is because they are/were white Christians. Dead is dead, whether you get beheaded in Iraq, or blown up by an IRA bomb in London. It's all the same.

The really amusing part to me is that you would even call them "cowards". Call them terrorists (they think they are freedom fighters), or call them Muslim holy warriors, but it's a complete farce that all you warriors in the 101st fighting keyboardist brigade have the gall to call Hezbollah "soldiers" cowards. They are actually fighting a vastly better equipped enemy and dying. You guys are sitting in your mother's basement, eating cheetos and masturbating to Sean Hannity.

You nutzoids think it's a holy war.. Go sign up and fight the holy war. If the Muslims are such cowards, it should be real easy for you.

Wow.. look at the "right wing guy" there.. 25 years old.. looks prime for the infantry. Why does your profile say "driver" instead of Marine?

How about "Bushwack".. looking all tough in your 'do rag and sunglasses and effete mustache.. Why aren't you fighting the Muslims if they are such a threat to all that is holy?

God damn bunch of uneducated red neck trailer trash unthinking simplistic cowards.. Maybe if you had actually finished 8th grade, you'd have learned that real world geopolitics and religion are far more complex than your inferior intellects can grasp.

I like this banner at the top of his blog..

What it should say is "Supporting the sending of somebody else to fight our enemies to the death, because I'm too cowardly to do it myself".

ohhh.. found a blog here that could be fun..

** update **

Right wing guy responds, and totally pwns my argument;

Rightwing Guy said...
well actually if you knew me like other that come to my page, you would know why i'm not there and it's not because of my choosing.
and yes the IRA has more class, do you see them chopping heads off or straping bombs to kids? no didnt think so

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was the guy who brought up the comparison with the IRA in Britain.

"101st fighting keyboardist brigade" is the funniest line I have read for a long time.
