Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Google search of the day

So.. ya.. I like to look at what people are doing shortly before they come to my blog. A number of them are doing a search in google, and when they click my blog as a result, the site meter records what they were searching for;

This one today was good.. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&rls=GGLG%2CGGLG%3A2006-15%2CGGLG%3Aen&q=what%20does%20DIAF%20mean%3F&meta=

what does DIAF mean?


Steve said...

Wow that would have been easier. When I found your blog I had to do numerous google searches based off the following information.

Tom, politics, liberal, blog....

It took me awhile, but once I threw in the secret magic word, "warcraft", I found it. :)


lord brown mouse said...

I found your blog through Right Wing Guy.

Anonymous said...

I had it the easiest: you just told me the link. =)

I bet you get sick of seeing the same 4 or so pages that I would come from, huh? FFtodayforums, TDA page, work page and maybe dilbertblog or ESPN...