Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fucking christian assholes again

From Salon:

A christian group in Lebanon called Samaritan’s Purse is offering charity to Muslim victims of the Israeli attack..

He says this crisis has softened the hearts of many Muslims in Lebanon to the spiritual truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. the midst of what is being called a humanitarian crisis of major proportions, Samaritan's Purse has continued to reach out through its partners to the war-devastated people of southern Lebanon. "Right now," Isaacs notes, "we're supporting a network of six pastors and over 20 volunteers who are working out through the schools."

...Also, Isaacs observes, a number of Muslim families have asked for Bibles. "So, where people are asking us for it, we're making that available -- that's up to them," he asserts. "As I said, it's a very difficult situation, and resources are tight right now."
From their web site, they are “helping provide food parcels to hungry Israelis living in the shelters”, and it suggests that we should pray for “Muslim and Jewish people to receive the Lord Jesus Christ and experience His peace in their hearts and homes”.

They use this ruse of "charity" to attempt to convert Muslims and Jews alike. It's pretty simple.

So.. the "offical" reason they're doing this goes back to the Christian argument that you have to belong to their club in order to get into heaven. Because these dipshits are absolutely convinced of that, they see it is a moral duty to convert the heathens in order to save them. They actually think they are saving souls, and if they have to use the horrors of war and some sense that christians are charitable, in order to convert them, they'll do it.

When, in the end, what these christian assholes are doing is nothing more than their master's bidding to expand the tithing base. Money.. power.. wealth.. with some sex thrown in when you can get it. That's what it's all about.

These fuckers are simply maddening..

** update **

The General has some advertising;


Anonymous said...

Well....I don't know. They aren't forcing anyone to convert in order to get charity. I'm finding it hard to condemn them for providing help to people that need it.

Anonymous said...

If they were only helping Christians, I would condemn them. But they're not. Aren't the muslims better off getting aid and having to hear about Jesus than they would be dying?

And are you suggesting that no Religious groups or people gave aid to New Orleans?

I'm pretty much determined to pin every single act of religion as evil.. either evil in practice, or evil in motive, because it's very foundation is evil and corrupt.

LOL - didn't Scott Adams write something about this. When was that...oh yeah, today! Confirmation bias? You're already warping the news you hear and read to fit your pre-existing view.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Im a confused simpleton.
if christians are so bad, what makes them so bad? If they seem to offer (more) help in crisis' or 3rd world countries, how does that have an evil conception? If thier mandate is to love thier neighbours and tell them about Jesus, how is that evil? If your boss at work said wash a window and you washed a window- does that make you a bad employee or a good employee? And you think Christians only want other people to become Christians so that they will also finacially support the church building- is it not the same for all other religions and faiths? When you are in the middle of a war zone, and someone walks up to you with food, clothing, medical care, and absolutly no fear of whats going on around you, wouldn't you maybe wonder about where they came from, or how they have food and clothing for you? Or how come they have any desire to help you at all? I think you seem to focus too much on "Would you like a cookie while I talk to you about Jayzus?" and not enough on the fact that lots of people are getting help they need, even if they dont want to hear about Jesus.