Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Crazy as fuck

Proving it's not just the bat-shit crazy christian assholes..

JERUSALEM (AFP) - Orthodox Israeli Jews are stepping up their efforts to ban next month's week-long festival for gays in Jerusalem, which they fear will besmirch the sanctity of a city holy to three faiths.

Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, spiritual leader of the Orthodox Shas party, a member of Israel's coalition government, has denounced the parade from the pulpit as an "insupportable abomination," a party member said.

Other well-known rabbis have called for a mass demonstration against the rally to prevent it from taking place "at any price."

Radicals have even handed out leaflets around the city promising a 20,000-shekel (4,500-dollar) reward anyone who "kills a sodomist."
How about a reward for one of you Jew fuckers? I recall reading how that was so in vogue during the 1930's and 40's.

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