Thursday, July 27, 2006

Americans hate America

You know how the right wing likes to bash lefties as anti-American, because we don't support the Republican preznit, or congress, or the war in Iraq..

Well.. most Americans really think the Republicans suck, so they must be anti-American, eh?

According to the poll, 65 percent say they feel less confident that life for their children's generation will be better than it was for them. In December 2001, the last time this question was asked, respondents — by a 49-42 percent margin — said they were confident life would be better for their children.

In addition, only 27 percent think the country is headed in the right direction, while 58 percent say they are less confident the Iraq war will come to a successful conclusion.

And among those who believe that the nation is headed on the wrong track, a whopping 81 percent believe it's part of a longer-term decline and that things won't get better for some time. Just 12 percent think the problems are short-term blips.
Ya.. Americans were all revved up to go kick some rag-head ass.. but now, they seem to be a bunch of pussies or something..

More than twice as many respondents — 63 percent versus 30 percent — said the Iraq war had not been worth the American lives and dollars lost.
The troops are getting a little pissed off as well..

"It sucks. Honestly, it just feels like we're driving around waiting to get blown up. That's the most honest answer I could give you," said Spec. Tim Ivey, 28, of San Antonio, a muscular former backup fullback for Baylor University....

Spec. Joshua Steffey, 24, of Asheville, N.C... said he wished "somebody would explain to us, 'Hey, this is what we're working for.' " With a stream of expletives, he said he could not care less "if Iraq's free" or "if they're a democracy."
Hey.. isn't that treason? You're supposed to go fight and die for some bullshit war that we have no business being involved in.. and be happy to do it!

I really wish these fucking wanker keyboard commando cowards would enlist and get their asses over to Iraq so we could get some of these guys that don't want to be there home..

Right wing guy.. don't you want to head over to Iraq so you can drive around, waiting to get blown up? Heck.. you're 25.. you've lived long enough already, eh?

Rome declined. Maybe it's inevitable for the "great" nation of every era to be absorbed back into the mediocrity of the rest of the world. I don't think so.. I think it was the stupid as fuck, irresponsible, greedy, cowardly bastards we've got running the federal government right now - with a LARGE heaping helping of support from the Christian freak parade.

None of this had to happen..

** update **

The world hates America as well..

Distaste for America runs so deep that, for example, at the recent World Cup in Germany the American team was the only one asked not to display its national flag on the team bus. In South Korea, traditionally a U.S. ally, two-thirds of people under 30 said in a recent poll that if there were war between North Korea and the United States, they would side with North Korea.

"Anti-Americanism runs deeper and is qualitatively different than in the past, when it was largely attributable to unpopular U.S. policies," Andrew Kohut, director of the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, says in a new book on the subject, "America Against the World."
That's so unbelievably sad..

But hey.. Shell's quarterly profits are up 40%.. that's after record quarter after record quarter.

This not a failure in leadership. This is a failture in ideology.. and when those bastard right wingers try and pretend that the Bush administration was not truly "conservative", tell them to shove it up their chickenhawk asses.

This is what a right wing Christian conservative government does. It ruins the most powerful nation in the history of the world.

The entire Bush administration needs to be exiled.. there is no question they are ruining this great nation.

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