One thing you cannot repeat enough: The founding fathers were the opposite of Christianists. In fact, their constitution is designed to protect us from Christianism. And, by and large, it does. But in the Christianists' attempt to stack the courts and in undermining critical secular institutions like the military, they still represent a threat to limited government and religious freedom. And that threat needs to be exposed and resisted. - Andrew SullivanIf you're an active reader of political discourse, you might wonder why I read Sullivan regularly. He makes me insane after all.
There are two things that Sullivan is crystal clear on, and makes every bit of logical sense you could want; gay rights, and the dangers of fundamentalist Christian attacks on our government.
The problem is that he's a snob conservative elitist on every other issue. He is the ultimate Jew for Hitler even though he has a platform and a fairly sizeable reader base to cry to about being beat by daddy. Promise you'll be a good boy Sully and maybe they won't send you off to Gitmo.
I do think the only reason Sullivan has a problem with Christian fundamentalists is because he's gay. If he were straight, he'd be lock-step in the right wing Christian agenda.
Look, what used to be thought of as "liberal" - the tree hugging tofu eating beatnik flower-power acid tripping hippy pacifist, is not what liberal is anymore. The new liberal is more like the old conservative, where everyone is treated absolutely equal regardless of any innate trait, where we value intellect and achievement, keep our morals out of other people's affairs, feel real empathy for other human beings, stand up to the bullies wherever they are, and don't lie with every single word. That's why I always tell people that if they are not drinking the kool-aid, they are a liberal, even if they don't know it.
I'm really confused where this insurgence of Christian fundamentalism has come from. Sully is correct in that everything this country stands for revolves around keeping religion private. Are human beings naturally susceptible to cults?
James Madison, indeed, would be appalled by the cultification of the American government. Where is the new James Madison?
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