Nope.. no trickery here. In fact, Sen. Kay O’Connor has appeared on my blog before, doing something typically right wing bat shit crazy. Today, it's exploiting minors. Link:
Topeka — Citing Loretta Lynn and the Virgin Mary as successful women who married young, Sen. Kay O’Connor voted against a bill that would prohibit 14-year-olds from marrying.Isn't that amusing? It's better for a 14 year old to marry then get an abortion.. LOL
But the Senate didn’t go along with O’Connor on Wednesday, approving the measure 36-4. The House is expected to take up the bill today, and if it approves, the proposal will be sent to Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who has called for restrictions on underage marriages.
During Senate debate, O’Connor, R-Olathe, said, “I see this as a pro-abortion bill.”
She said if a 14-year-old girl was pregnant and she and the families involved were OK with the girl getting married, then the state shouldn’t interfere.
By prohibiting a marriage, the state is pressuring the girl to get an abortion, O’Connor said.
“Every family has their own circumstances. Sometimes the best decision is to allow the marriage to go forward,” O’Connor said.
The issue erupted last year in Kansas when a 22-year-old Nebraska man impregnated his 14-year-old girlfriend and seven months later brought her to Kansas to get married. Nebraska law prohibits the marriage of people younger than 17 regardless of parental consent.
In many states, the guy from Nebraska would be charged with a felony and likely spend some time in prison being bubba's bitch.. but in Kansas, you can actually marry a kid and get away with it as much as you want.
The moral of the story is simple of course. People in the "bible belt" and "gawd fearin Christians" are out of their minds fucking insane. A lot of them are in positions of public trust, like the chimpanzee that is our president.
Despite Ms. O'connor's protests, Kansas did raise the minimum age of consent.. to 15. If you like 'em young.. that's the place to live.
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