Monday, April 24, 2006

The moron's back

ATLANTA - Amid a swarm of television cameras, U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney arrived at the state Capitol on Monday to file for re-election.

McKinney smiled broadly but didn't comment on her recent scuffle with a U.S. Capitol Police officer.

McKinney flashed her Georgia driver's license at photographers in an apparent jab at the incident in Washington in late March. She allegedly struck a Capitol Hill police officer who stopped her for bypassing a security checkpoint at a House office building. A grand jury is weighing whether to bring criminal charges in the incident.
That's just so maddening. Most people go to jail for hitting a cop. She's going to get re-elected.

The reason is simple. She is as her constituents; dumb as a box of rocks, and black.

And before somebody screams racism at me, or questions my liberal creds, I'll say that I think ability and performance are what people should be rewarded for - not skin color. In this case, she should do a month in jail and never run for office again. Instead, we've got the Marion Barry syndrome going on. Sure.. he smokes crack and luvs dah hoes.. but so do I, so I'm a voten for hisself.

And you know.. it is patently offensive that she would present her ID to the press, with that smile, and laugh, as if it's all a big joke.. ha ha ha.. very funny..

She ignored security and hit a cop - it's not funny.. go to jail.


John in Atlanta said...

In her defense, the people of Atlanta didn't vote for her because she's black. They voted for her because she votes the way her constituents want her to vote. She votes like a Democrat and not like a Leiberman. She may be a public relations nightmare but I'd take her any day over someone like Leiberman or Denise Majette, who held the office between Cynthia's terms.

Tom said...

Right.. white black.. whatever.. Voting is easy.. not being an asshole is, apparently, more difficult..

I've watched her do several interviews, and she's an embaressment...

The arrogance of skipping through the capitol security, then being incensed that the guard didn't recognize her, failing to produce identification, and then hitting the guard.. then going back to the capitol and pretending it's a big laughing joke by flashing ID at the media means that she's a giant dousch and should spend a little time in jail.. and certainly lose her seat.

I'm sure there's another moron who can get elected from that district to cast the hood vote...

John in Atlanta said...

The way I heard it is that McKinney went around the barrier as Reps are permitted to do. It happens all the time. A similar situation happened in the past (funny we never heard about those instances until now) and as a result her official Congressional photo (along with several other photos of the lesser known Reps) was posted at the guard station. On this occasion she had changed her hair style so the CHP officer didn't recognize her (so he says). In his attempt to stop her he became a bit overzealous. Being the person she is, she responded in a like manner.

They were both wrong but I agree, she should not have struck the officer. Unfortunately this has been blown WAY out of proportion and probably wouldn't have made it past a small story in the paper except that the Republicans needed a diversion from all of their current problems with following the rule of law.

A little history. McKinney was a popular representative who, because of an archaic GA law that allows people to vote in the oposition's primaries, lost her seat to Denise Majette. Republicans voted for Majette in the Democratic primary because McKinney was considered too tough to beat and they thought Majette would be easier. Majette won the primary and then the general election. Majette went against her constituents and started voting like a Republican. Then she decided that she wanted to be a Senator. She lost that race and McKinney ran to regain her old seat and won.

I agree that McKinney tends to inflame those who do not live in her district. She is, however, one of those rare politicians who listens to her constituents and votes the way they want her to.

That, in this day and age, is worth the price of admission.

Tom said...

Well, as is usually the case, there is always more to the story then is apparent at first glance.

My irritation is seeing a member of Congress act and speak in the manner that she has. I would have expected her to accept responsibility right off the bat instead of making excuses and blaming the security.

I am irritated that a person of her ineffectual verbal skills can be elected to Congress.

We have to have higher standards.. not just accept "good enough".