Saw that over at Digsby's blog
I find it highly amusing. Right wingers are well known as "whiney ass titty babies" as studies have shown.. so it's not surprising that everything boils down to violence with them.
The ironic part is that they refuse to enlist in the military and go kill Muslims in Iraq. Think that might be because they are all cowards? I think so..
For what it's worth.. conservatives are all talk.. knuckle dragging neanderthals with small dicks.. and if push does come to shove, they want somebody else to do the pushing and shoving while they run away.
** edit **
And before somebody does the typical "But Tom.. you're stereotyping conservatives just like you complain they do to liberals" - keep in mind that I'm right...
1 comment:
Where are you getting that they are refusing to enlist?
I'm referring to the mass of right wing conservative hypocrit pundits that take a perverse glee in war, yet refuse to enlist.
Everything you need to know about that topic can be found at Jesus' General's recruiting drive blog here..
But I guess it's ok because you added a disclaimer that you are right. Wow! Thanks for the heads up.
Not sure how long you've been reading my blog, but I'm facinated by social studies. I've referenced a number of studies that tracked demographic groups and traits. It's similar to ths studies that show that religiousity and intelligence are inversely proportional.
I do agree with you that there is a lot more violence from the right than from the left...
Of course.. it's called over compensation.. I'm sure you're quite familiar with it..
For example, those that scream blood murder about homosexuals can usually be found on their knees blowing a guy if you just follow them around long enough.. Those that are completely secure about themselves hang out with friends at gay bars and don't think a thing about it..
The same is true with this whole violence thing, and the weird glee in seeing videos of it, and reading news accounts about how our "boys" are kicking ass. Those of us that are not cowards empathize with the individual soldier's horror and do not bask in glory by proxy.
One of the "actions" that a bunch of Jesus' General's readers did was to attend Young Republican meetings on college campuses and interview them to find out why they did not enlist in the military. The responses were hillarious.. I'll see if I can dig it up..
Oh.. found it.. I love google.. click here..
That picture is a classic..
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