That's it... a little more to the right..
"I think anyone who has engaged in homosexual activity, or has strong homosexual inclinations, would be best not to apply to a seminary and not to be accepted into a seminary." ... Archbishop O'Brien, who is coordinating the visits to more than 220 U.S. seminaries and houses of formation, said even homosexuals who have been celibate for 10 or more years should not be admitted to seminaries.Word is, this will become official Catholic policy by years end.
I find it odd for a couple of reason. First, what would Jesus do? I don't know if Jesus was really some sort of deity or not, but it's obvious he was a flaming liberal.
Another reason is that the majority of Catholic leadership is gay. I had a friend back in Phoenix that worked as an accounting consultant for the Vatican who had affairs with a number of Catholic Cardinals. That's not monsignors.. not bishops.. not arch-bishops.. that's Cardinals, with a capital C.
But, the Catholics need a scapegoat now, to pay the public price for their negligence. It's the negligence of the last Pope and the current Pope, and an endless string of bishops.
By the way, the Catholics remind me of George Bush. What do you do when a high up in your organization screws up monumentally? Give them a medal, or make them a Saint of course!
And all the sheep (right wing freaks, or bat-shit crazy nutjobs) turn a blind eye and pretend the bad things didn't happen and just fucking clap louder damn it! Yes, that makes it all better, doesn't it? Woo hoo.. take that twisted old fuck of a Pope and make him a Saint? For fucks sake..
So.. just like Chimpy, who can the church blame? Who is the easy target? Who is the group that cannot possibly collectively stand up and say screw you? Gays..
The Catholic Church is adopting this policy in order to make it seem like normal gay men were to blame for the sex abuse scandals, when that is clearly not the case. The blame lies with the Pope, and other Catholic "management" that turned a blind eye, and shuttled priests back and forth and tried to hide everything.
And do they accept their responsibility for that? Hell no. They point the finger at me, and every other gay person in the world as if we are to blame for their fuck up.
So - I have a great deal of hatred towards the Catholic church for the fucked up evil organization they are. Ya.. pass that plate around.. put your money in it.. buy them new stained glass windows, new cathedrals, pay your share of the settlement money from the lawsuits.. YaY.. Go God!
** update **
I was listening to Sirius left the other day, and I don't know who the guy was, but he was really sharp. His topic was one of my pet topics, and that is the right wing's attempt to re-write history and portray the "founding fathers" as a group of Christians, establishing this great nation as a Christian nation.. which of course all us somewhat well-read and intelligent people know is a big ol' giant lie.
He talked about how the 7 of 9 of them were deist, denied the divinity of Christ, and actually had pitched battles about the language used in the various original documents.
Apparently, there was a battle between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams over the reference to "God" in the Declaration of Independence. Adams wanted "Christian" God, but through the brokering of Ben Franklin, Jefferson's wording of "Nature's God" prevailed.
The way all of the original documents are framed support the notion of a "creator", but not in the least supportive of Christianity over any other religion. It was if this beautiful foundation of inclusion and equality was set down on paper at the beginning, only to find it today being re-written by Christian revisionists.
The fact is, they lie about it. They will even make up quotes from Jefferson that exist nowhere else except their crazy religious freak web sites.
And as I ask myself why they do that, I answer my own question by going back to the fundamental "values" of men; money, love, hunger, and sex. I thought about adding "power" to that list, but power is merely a tool to money. A case could be made either way.
I think human beings, at least as I can observe, are good people. That goodness tends to make them selectively observe the world. I don't have the same ability to filter out the really nasty shit and only see the good shit. I see it all.
So, you may ask, how is it there are any Catholics left in the world when you consider the history, and current actions of the Catholic church? The answer is, the filters. I think people actually are able to filter out the shit they don't want to know, and honestly believe in the "good things" an organization like the Catholics do. It's the same with Bush supporters. They are probably not consciously filtering out all the bullshit, it just happens naturally as a consequence of their "belief" and identity.
So, do we respect the founding fathers? Do we understand the principals by which they sent this nation in motion? If we do, we have to destroy religion in this nation. Religion has slowly crept up on us, and made us believe that it is as it always was. It brings nothing but death and destruction in God's name.
And you liberals out there.. with your own filters.. open your eyes.
Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting "Jesus Christ," so that it would read "A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;" the insertion was rejected by the great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination.** update 2 **
-Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, in reference to the Virginia Act for Religious Freedom
Ohhhh.. that gives me a good idea for a new sub-title to my blog.
1 comment:
I fucking love your blog. Just discovered it today, matter of fact. Had to put that out there first.
Anyway, I am an atheist by way of Catholicism. You are dead-on with your assessment of the Catholic Church and its members. I had the dubious pleasure of reading the grand jury report prepared about the sexual abuse by priests from the Philadelphia Archdiocese about a month ago, and the things that those poor kids went through nearly made me vomit.
My parents are quite Catholic and, as you can imagine, it makes having a logical and calm discussion with them about religion, abortion, gay rights, and/or politics nearly impossible. Bummer. They are good people, but just so misled.
I will be keeping tabs on your blog.
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