Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Litmus test

Just a thought for today to keep in mind..

If someone starts a sentence with "As a Christian", or finishes it with "God willing.", feel free to call them bat-shit crazy and run.

Or, do like I do and make up your own god to insert in idle conversation. That really pisses them off because one of their tenants is that everyone is supposed to believe in their "one true God", yet they know that they are not supposed to be intolerant of other faiths. Therefore, they get an uncomfortable look, the kind of look you see on a persons face when they need to pee real bad. The trick is to not give away the joke. You gotta totally sell it, and make sure you have a rational explanation behind your made up god that you can share when they ask you about it.


E'l Roy said...

Came across your page via your hillbilly comment at "Wild Sects".

Good stuff! I'm in an online degree program, and I have a couple of classmates who invariably "bless" the class with every post; one even insists that we "have a God day". I the interest of maintaining an appropriate educational setting, I've thus far refrained from intoning, "Baal be with you," or, "May Lucifer share the Light He brings with you," or even, "Have a pleasant-whether-or-not-you're-a-christian day."

How about a top-ten list? I'll start.

10. May Zoltan's beedlenift shower your djivgets with loorgras. (Can be used as a blessing or a curse, depending on the context, of course!)

Anonymous said...

What I like doing is quizzing them on Bible "facts" until they end up contradicting themselves. Then I ask them how on earth they managed to do that. Then I ask why they had the gall to try to evangelize when a non-believer like myself knows more about the religion that the evangelist?

Just because I don't believe doesn't mean I can't read!

Anyway, I love your website, and have bookmarked it. Keep up the good work. Oh, and try not to frustrate the evangelist wannabees too much, or they might end up trying to educate themselves to create better arguments.

Tom said...

Thanks for the kind words...

And I suggest you go ahead and worship your god as you see fit, in any communications you have. Clearly, others think it is appropriate to do so, so why not?

I have spoken to evangelists at my door about the role of Satan in my life (to very horrified looks I might add). I did listen to them tell me about Jesus first though, and politely smiled and nodded my head.

Of course I really don't know anything about Satan, but I spoke as if I did, and really tried to sell it. That makes it all the more fun.

Enjoy playing games with bat-shit crazy people. It makes life worth living.. :)

John in Atlanta said...

9. "In the presence of this house, Grandfather, Wakan-Tanka, and from

the directions where the sun sets,

and from the direction of cleansing power,

and from the direction of the rising un,

and from the direction of the middle of the day.

Grandfather, Wakan-Tanka,

Grandmother, the Earth who hears everything,

Grandmother, because you are woman, for this reason you are kind,

I come to you this day.
-Prayer before the U.S. Senate - 1975

by Frank Fools Crow, Old Lord of the Holy Men

Ceremonial Chief and Medicine Man of the Lakota Nation