Wednesday, July 20, 2005


So chimp-in-chief has nominated a BSC for the Supreme Court. Not terribly surprising. Lets put aside the pretenses. It's not about a desire for a "conservative" court. It's just another step in the Christian rights hijacking of our secular nation.

What did we get? We got a white male Christian bat-shit crazy, I know what's best for YOU, freak. Who, by the way, has only been a judge for 2 years. Oh.. that's perfect....

This does shift the balance of the court, and not in a good way. It shifts it in the direction of the government being much more involved in your personal life.

And God.. could they have at least picked somebody who does NOT look like Rick Santorum? What is it with Republican's and their completely heterosexual boring hair? Good god get some fucking style for change, okay?

There are two big social issues that the Christian freaks want to impose on us. First, they want to do away with abortion, and contraceptives, and things such as the "morning after pill". They want you to stop having sex unless it's directly intended to create a child, that they can promptly suck into their vile system and brainwash.

But - lets remember that the power of the Supreme Court to ban abortion is a myth. If they overturn Roe v. Wade (which is very possible) that would simply overturn the Federal control of abortion laws. The authority would revert back to the states, which is what existed prior to Roe v. Wade. In a state like California, some 75% of the population supports a woman's right to choose, and abortion will remain legal there. In Texas, probably not.

The ironic thing about that is that the states that statically pump out the dumbest children will ban abortion, and those that have the highest levels of achievement and scholarship will support abortion.

It's kind of funny how that works. If you look at statistics, the highest achievers are having less kids, while the trailer parks are full of high school drop-outs birthing litters of future wife beaters.

Anyway, I digress.

So, if the religious freaks overturn Roe v. Wade, abortion will still be legal in a lot of states. It'll just cost to travel to get one. It will also lead to a bunch of back alley abortions in states like Texas for poor people that can't afford the travel costs.

The Roberts nomination is also a step backward for gay rights. While there is clear precedence in Loving v. Virginia, and Lawrence v. Texas, I highly doubt we'll be able to get a case through the SC that would have the net effect of legalizing same-sex marriage.

The equal protection clause? Forget it. They should just re-word it the Equal White Christian Heterosexual Male protection clause.

But this should scare everyone, because the concept of "privacy" will be under attack, and they will bang on YOUR door and tell you what you can and cannot do in YOUR own home.

The English have given same-sex couples marriage rights in all but name. The Canadians have given same-sex couples full blown marriage rights. The United States? Well, we continue to see the religious freak show parade more bigotry and hatred, so we're fucked (metaphorically speaking).

We really need to divide this country. Lets give the Christian right wingers the south, and we'll take the north (and the coasts). Let them have what ever sort of kool-aid drinking society they want.

Clearly, the cultural norms in Canada and England are far superior to the United States. If you've been to both, it's hard to dispute. Go to either, it's like a breath of fresh air - that is unless you are the type that is very repressed and wants to make sure everyone else is repressed also.

In the United States - we continue the shift to the right, and it's highly damaging to our society. We have become a bunch of war mongering educational and social retards.

And before anybody suggests, yes, I'd certainly consider moving to a blue state, or leave this fucking hill billy country entirely - in the right circumstance.

Did you vote for chimpy? This is what you get. You get ruled by a bunch of rapture Christians who base everything that they subject to YOU on improvable dogma.


** update **

And while I'm thinking about it, can somebody explain to me what happened to the real Republicans? You know - Barry Goldwater Republicans. Did the Christians drop pods at their door Invasion of the Body Snatchers style?

I didn't often agree with them, but at least I didn't have to worry about the people running this country preparing for the return of Christ.

** update 2 **

Stole a picture from Jesus' General that says all there is to say..


Anonymous said...

If you had your choice, who would you pick? I thought you would agree somewhat with this "conservative" - interesting that you do not. I thought he would look at another woman and I also think 2 years is not much experience. Your choice?????

Tom said...

It's a bit early, but from what I've read so far, he doesn't support the fundamental right to privacy, women's abortion rights, or gay rights. Therefore I think he sucks..

As for my pick.. I'm really not well informed on the who's who of American judges.

How about Bruce Babbit? I think he'd do pretty well..

Anonymous said...

What's a BSC?

Tom said...

BSC is an abbreviation for "bat-shit crazy". I use the term primarly for religious nuts. Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell, the Pope are just a few examples.