Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Quote of the Day II

Let’s tally it all up: Creating a murderous civil war, badly weakening our military, creating anti-American hatred all over the world, vastly increasing the terrorist threat, getting thousands of Americans killed and tens of thousands wounded, killing tens of thousand of Iraqis, torturing hundreds, perhaps thousands more, letting our true enemies retreat and regroup, and wasting hundreds of billions of dollars,--to say nothing of deliberately outing CIA agents for political payback and firing everyone who tried to tell the truth and starving homeland security--all for a war in which we were never threatened. Seriously, if I were Bin Laden, I’d just retire. Everything’s going swimmingly… - Eric Alterman
All of that while the wealthiest 1% of Americans get a tax break that averages $20,000 a year.

That's quite an accomplishment isn't it? It is absolutely astonishing to me that a president can not only pull that off, but get re-elected doing it.

I was talking with somebody the other day, and they actually said "who is Karl Rove?" I tried my best not to look at them with an annoyed face. That person is why George Bush was re-elected.

Everyone in this country has the responsibility for this democracy, and part of that responsibility is being informed. That's all I ask from anyone - and in this "information age" it should be required as a qualification to cast a vote.

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