Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The problem is choice..

or lack thereof.

Americablog points to a Times story about the "religious activist" who convinced Microsoft to back off their support of gay rights legislation.

His view is just so typical...

"You tell me what I went through as an African-American, when they talk about discrimination, compared to what gays go through with discrimination - it's the difference between night and day, not even close," Dr. Hutcherson said. "I even get upset when people say, 'Well, you got to understand what they go through.' Not when they've chosen to do what they do. They can stop choosing what to do what they do, and they can hide it anytime they want. They can hide their homosexuality. Could I take a 'don't ask don't tell' policy as an African-American? I could try even to pretend I was Puerto Rican, but I'm still going to get blasted for my skin color."
And a majority of the 3,500 members of his megachurch, which is based in this tidy Seattle suburb and high-tech hub, is white, as is his wife.
Holy cow he's got a white wife. Did it not occur to him that until June 12, 1967, he would have been barred by law from marrying his wife? It took a ruling from the Supreme Court to strike down anti-miscongeniation laws. At the time, more than 70% of the American public were opposed to inter-racial marriage. That number is higher than the percentages opposed to same-sex marriage now.

He is supposedly a "man of God" - and yet he completely fails to see the connection.

He also thinks we "choose" to be gay. You have to be the biggest moron (hello Oxen you stupid fuck) on the planet to believe that anyone in their right mind would "choose" that. There is no more choice involved in it than any heterosexual has in liking what they do. There is no choice about it.

Those are two very simple concepts, supported by every reputable scientific evaluation. Still, the religious right, and the very stupid, fail to understand that.

Why didn't the "journalist" who interviewed this man simply ask him what his evidence is that it is a "choice". After all, if this man is basing all his prejudice on the presumption that being gay is a choice, then all we have to do is show him all the evidence to the contrary, right?

Why didn't the journalist just say "Every reputable study on the topic has concluded that homosexuality is not a learned behavior, nor is it a choice". Let the Christian freak find another justification for his hatred.

Perhaps the man really isn't that stupid. Perhaps he knows all that. But - religion is primarily a business. It's not about saving souls. It's not about your life and happiness. It's about the money in your pocket - and that asshole wants it. He just has to pander to the hatred that is inherent in every religious freak, and they give him money. He doesn't have to really work for a living. All he has to do is find another target of hate.

God I hate them with a passion.

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