Thursday, May 12, 2005

Bush Fish

From the "you've gotta be fuckin' kidding me" file..


That is not a parody site. I swear..

Umm.. Shall we do a little project? Mixter, JFA.. want to come up with a really stupid Bush/God/Support the Troops product, create a web site.. get it very nearly to looking like parody site, but be for real.. get ridiculed on the liberal blogs, advertised on the conservative.. and make a ton of money selling something stupid to the BSC's?

The really funny part.. donate half the money to liberal causes, and then when we're done taking the BSC money, reveal what we did on the web site.. The 3 of us could appear on Larry King explaining why we did it..

Now.. that would be cool...


John in Atlanta said...


Anonymous said...

You're smart; I'm IN!
