Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Quotes of the Day

"I'm a radical! I'm a real extremist. I don't want to impeach judges. I want to impale them!" - Senator Tom Coburn R-OK

"Ronald Reagan said the Soviet Union was the focus of evil during the cold war. I believe that the judiciary is the focus of evil in our society today," - Alan Keyes, former Republican Senate candidate IL

"The judges need to be intimidated," - Senate majority leader Tom DeLay R-TX
Holy shit the BSC republicans have gone fucking nuts. Every single day I look at the news and I'm confronted by yet another atrocity and assault on both our government and way of life.

You know what I don't get? You can get 100,000 people gathered in New York to protest a war that was founded on lies, and people will call them traitors, or un-American. Yet, when these "conservatives" start threatening death on members of our government, there is hardly an outcry. What the fuck is up with that?

There is absolutely no difference between the "insurgents" in Iraq who ambush and execute Iraqi ministers, police, and judges, and the Christian Republican crazy people who are threatening violence on respected members of our society; Except one - the Iraqi insurgents actually have the balls to try it. The BSC's are castrated pussies, old white men with only rhetorical fight in them. Punch one of them in the face and they'll just crumble like a sack of potatoes.

But that's what they need... a good ass kicking.. or maybe just one good bitch slap and tell them to shut the fuck up already. God... that pisses me off.

And.. Senator Coburn needs to be arrested and charged with a felony for threatening judges.

So.. continuing on - those quotes all come from the same conference that the quote from yesterday came from - "no man, no problem". I'm pulling this from a Nation column. More...

Cass's "solution" is the "Constitution Restoration Act," a bill relentlessly promoted during the conference that authorizes Congress to impeach judges who fail to abide by "the standard of good behavior" required by the Constitution. If they refuse to acknowledge "God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government," or rely in any way on international law in their rulings, judges also invite impeachment. In essence, the bill would turn judges' gavels into mere instruments of "The Hammer," Tom DeLay, and Christian-right cadres.
Remember the two words that I'm using lately, fascist and Nazi's. This is the same deal. It effectively would say, the United States is a Christian fundamentalist nation. Frankly, it aught to scare a lot of people. The United States really is the most powerful nation in the history of this planet. The U.S. government has the power to destroy everything that has ever existed via nuclear weapons.

The Christian/Republican right wing wants to turn our government into the Christian equivalent of a fundamentalist Muslim theocracy. They are extraordinarily dangerous.

And the story goes on..

In 1991 Barton spoke at a Colorado retreat sponsored by Pastor Pete Peters, an adherent of racist Christian Identity theology with well-established neo-Nazi ties. During the 2004 presidential campaign, the Republican National Committee hired him as a paid consultant for "evangelical outreach." The RNC sponsored more than 300 events for him.
The biggest threat to the security of the world is religion. No ifs, ands, or buts - and I'll argue to the end with anyone who thinks otherwise. Nearly every single problem we have world-wide is directly attributable to religion.

The Republican party has embraced the problem, therefore - they are the problem.

"This isn't Colombia. This isn't drug lords terrorizing the judiciary. It's America," Florida Judge George Greer declared recently. Greer remains under police guard.

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