Friday, April 15, 2005


Just a thought. Is having a blog and being very open and honest about your point of view a good thing?

I've been doing this about 4 months now, and at first I tried not to be very "controversial", but then I realized that this is my blog and I should write whatever and however I want. If people read it, fine. If they don't, well, then that's just like changing the channel on the dial. No big deal.

But, I've noticed something. Some "people" who used to call me don't call me anymore. The timing probably isn't coincidental. Apparently I've offended their sensibilities, and I'm not what they thought I was.

I guess that is a question that people have to ask themselves at some point. Do you keep your mouth shut for the sake of relationships, or do you say what's on your mind and let the chips fall where they may?

It's been an on-going process for me, and starting this blog I just went with a decision. This is me. I'm a flaming liberal. I use the word "fuck" sometimes on my blog. In fact, I use it a lot more on my blog than I do in regular speaking conversation. I hate dishonesty, and I despise hypocrisy, and that's a descriptive word that conveys a point of view when the nuance of a spoken conversation is missing.

For anyone who is so brutally honest and open about things after being nearly silent for 30+ years, I suppose there has to be repercussions. The repercussions are that some people are not going to call anymore.

If the choice is between having the personality of a ham sandwich and not offending anybody to keep them in your life, and being exactly what you want to be and alienate everyone - I'll choose, and have chosen, the latter.

I put my name on my blog. I put where I live, my job description, even a picture of myself on my blog. There is no deception, and there is no hiding. I feel really good about that. It may very well bite me in my ass some day, but then I'll just deal with it and move on. Some things are more important.


Anonymous said...

rriingg, rriinngg, hello? Little Brotha? Just calling to say I love ya. And more than that, I respect the hell out of you and your blog.... F-bombs and all. Keep up the good works!


Anonymous said...

Post from Terry...

I read you every day! I figured I just bugged you when I called;) but I can call more if you like!

Ken Grandlund said...

I too use my real name and picture on my blog. I am a bit more elusive about where I live, but a little internet tinkering could solve that mystery for anyone.

Fortunately for me(or maybe not- I'm not always sure), I don't have a lot of strong ties beyond my family, and not a lot of those either. It's just one of those kinds of families. I have plenty of acquaintances and "regular" friends around the country though who my contact with could best be described as irregular and infrequent. I haven't lsot any calls because I never had a lot to begin with.

My semi-seclusion has always been by choice though, so expounding my theories in public presented no real downside for me. And neither has claiming them outright as my own.

People can either agree or disagree, but at least they know the source is real and not some ephemeral conglomerated entity.

Tom said...

Maybe half the problem is me. I'm probably doing the seclusion thing myself, but I'm working on changing that.

I just love the phrase "ephemeral conglomerated entity". If you don't mind, I'm going to steal that and put it to good use.

Ken Grandlund said...

Feel free to use that or any other of my phrases as they suit your needs. They aren't my words, just my arrangement of them.

Anonymous said...

Hey there little TJ. Ok not so little any more. I'm sorry I don't get to catch up on your blog on a regular basis. Life, you know. But I do like it and all that goes with it, as Kats put it. If people really stopped calling you because of the F-bombs you dropped, they weren't much of a friend to begin with. So you make some new ones.

Love ya, Lynn