Friday, April 15, 2005


Just saw this over at Eschaton and it reminded me of the quote from the MN senator I posted yesterday.

Everyone - and I mean everyone - is twisted in their own way. Some embrace it, and some let it eat away at their soul for years. The difference? The good guys reframe their thinking of what they've been told, and have a live and let live attitude. The bad guys scream at the top of their lungs - do what I say, not what I do.

It's just so amazing to me that we can have all these social conservatives out there pushing an agenda they don't even adhere to. Rush Limbaugh is a drug addict and divorced his wife. William Bennet regularly appears on talk shows and rants and rants about "morals", yet he was gambling addict that blew millions of dollars in Vegas. Then there is a laundry list of Religious psychos that have not just skeletons in their closet, but the whole god damn cemetery. The list is literally endless.

Ya know what? Fuck them.. LOL Here's the latest atrocity.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A state senator sponsoring a constitutional amendment aimed at "solemnizing the relationship of one man and one woman" is accused in a divorce case of cheating on his wife.

State Sen. Jeff Miller, a Republican from Cleveland, is accused of "inappropriate marital conduct" in a divorce complaint filed Feb. 25 in Bradley County.

The senator's March 2 answer to the complaint "vehemently denies" any inappropriate marital conduct.

"He is very hypocritical, fighting for the sanctity of marriage and not keeping his own," the senator's wife of 15 years, Bridgitte Suzanne Miller, said in a report in the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
Miller stopped an attempt to include a constitutional ban on adultery in the amendment.
I was just thinking about that in context of the MN Senator that came out as gay yesterday. What a difference eh?

As I've said before. Every single freaking thing that happens in this country revolves around sex. Some are honest about it. Some are just jealous as hell.

The pie is really really big, and there is a slice there for everyone who wants it. Some people need to get over themselves, stop pushing their frustration on everyone else, and just have a bite.

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