Friday, April 01, 2005

He Gets Letters

Awesome.. John over at AmericaBlog posted a letter he got today. God damn I'm so jealous of John I can't even see straight (so to speak). I mean, he gets the really good right wing Christian freaks writing him letters and all I get are your garden variety Tom Clancy ass kissing,, go ARMY go, wannabees..

Somebody tell me how to get my own Christian haters. I'm really trying here. I swear.. But I'm just not getting any letters. I must not be doing something right. Should I put nice pretty rainbow colors everywhere? I hear that pisses them off. I mean, I posted pictures of two fashionable young-ish guys a few days ago, and compared and contrasted them to two freaky looking Christian Republican types. I thought the refrence was obvious *nudge*nudge*. Nobody even guessed at who they are..

And the answer is.. Merry and Pippen from the Lord of the Rings movies. Do I need to beat you people over the head! Gah!

Anyway.. to the really cool letter that John got..

Subject: media

You people make me sick to my stomach. Your group alone is responsible for the decline in morality in America. Your group took advantage of the system, twisted it to suit the needs of every sick, perverted, & depraved person in America under the guise of "civil liberties" & "freedom 'from' religion". When the Bible was removed from our public school systems, a moral decline started in America like a snow ball rolling down a hill. There is so much moral depravity in America because of that. Put women in the workforce ... look at what that got you. A man can't get a good paying job ... it's called supply and demand. Give a woman a job for half the price and boot the man out. That is what "Corporate America" does & the government is forced to uphold that because you whiners sneak in with your "loop holes" & screwed America until it was morally bankrupt. God will judge your kind ... the Bible tells us where you're going, and I feel so sad for your soul. Please pray for God's guidance in your life because you need it.
I can just see this guy screaming at his monitor.. "God damn you homos getting all that sex all the time.. God damn you liberal straight people screwing each other like bunnies night and day."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was called a tree-hugging sodomite once.

