Ann Coulter really is quite amusing. Her latest column is a hoot. Here's how it starts out..
Liberals enjoy claiming that they are intellectuals, thrilled to engage in a battle of wits. This, they believe, distinguishes them from conservatives, who are religious fanatics who react with impotent rage to opposing ideas. As one liberal, Jonathan Chait, put the cliche in The New Republic: Bush is an "instinctive anti-intellectual" and his administration hostile to "fact-driven debate." In a favorable contrast, Clinton is "the former Rhodes scholar who relished academic debates."Yes, I believe that assessment is essentially correct. Is that elitist? I don't think so. I think it's just being honest.
That is just speaking strictly on average. There are some very bright Republicans. Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, and Paul Wolfowitz for example. My issue with them is not intelligence, it's about politics. However, listen to most conservatives/Republicans and it makes you squirm. Our President is dull/normal in intelligence for pete's sake. Compare Bush struggling to read from a teleprompter to Bill Clinton speaking off the cuff for 20 minutes. The difference is startling.
That said, on average, liberals are far more educated and intelligent than conservatives. The stereotypes, for the most part, are true.
So what is Coulter's argument?
I'm not sure how these descriptions square with the fact that liberals keep responding to conservative ideas by throwing food. (Remember the good old days when liberals' "fact-driven" ideas only meant throwing money at their problems?)My first thought would be that it's not a good thing to throw pies at people during political debates. Just talk about the issues and crush them. That said, I found the whole thing hilarious.
Last October, two liberals responded to my speech at the University of Arizona -- during question and answer, no less -- by charging the stage and throwing two pies at me from a few yards away.
Coulter's proof that the stereotype of liberals being far more educated and intelligent than conservatives is false, is the fact that some young college kids thought it would be a good idea to throw pies at her during a debate she attended.
I did a lot of stupid things when I was a kid. I'll still crush Ann in a head to head I.Q. measurement. One thing doesn't have much to do with the other.
But - what's really interesting is the degree to which members of each political persuasion go in being stupid. Those kids threw a couple of pies and that was that.
When conservatives want to make a statement, they do this...
Rudolph pleaded guilty in federal court to the deadly 1996 Olympic park bombing in Atlanta and attacks at two abortion clinics and a gay nightclub.Oh and Ann.. eat something for God's sake.
He was sentenced to four life sentences without parole, escaping the death penalty by telling authorities the whereabouts of hundreds of pounds of dynamite and other explosives he stashed while hiding in the North Carolina mountains for five years.
In the statement, Rudolph said stopping abortion "this holocaust," he called it was his main motive. Any agent of a government that allows it, he reasoned, is an enemy that deserves death.
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