This is amusing.
Kelli Davis, 18, had her senior class photo taken in a tuxedo top and bow-tie outfit provided for boys rather than the gown-like drape and pearls provided for girls. The school’s principal decided it could not appear in the yearbook because she didn’t follow the dress code.Jesus' General had a very amusing retort:
Kelli, a straight-A student with no discipline problems, is a lesbian. She said she was uncomfortable to have her chest exposed in the photo.
“Because that’s me, you know. That represents me. The drape does not,” Davis said. “They’re not accepting me. That’s the whole reason we’re here.”
Dear Mr. Owens,
I salute you for denying Kelli Davis' request to wear a tuxedo in her yearbook picture. One needs only to look at the penguin world to see the danger tuxedos pose to traditional morality. Zoos from New Zealand to Germany are in the grips of a penguin homosexuality crisis even as I write this.
It's the black and white combination of colors that does it. That might seem counterintuitive given that traditional morality is often described as being black and white, but it's that kind of hard, firm, rock-solid absolutism that stirs a man's libidinous nature.
You know what I mean. You're old enough to remember the old Batman television series. Burgess Meredith as "The Penguin" was sexuality incarnate. It was impossible to resist impure thoughts when faced with the combination of his tight-fitting tuxedo and penguin waddle.
Just think what would happen if teenage boys were exposed to a girl wearing such attire. Thank God you've avoided that.
Now of course there will be those who condemn you for contributing to the alienation Miss Davis feels because of her homosexuality, but that's a good thing. It's the everyday indignities and constant humiliation that'll eventually put her on the road to reparative therapy. Sure, it's a gamble as to whether she'll be destroyed by the psychic damage we've inflicted upon her before then, but that's a risk we have to be willing to take.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot

Is this also a school that does not allow students to attend Prom and Homecoming in same sex groups? I betcha they allow belly rings to show in the hallway though. What ever happened to freedom of expression? Remember the Annie Hall look. No one banned that in my high school or yearbook pictures. They need to hire some new Guidance Counselors and get with the program. Where do these people live anyway?
I don't think that during the 90's the issue would have merited any attention at all. We were all having a pretty good time, and there wasn't much to get all uptight about.
Then - GW and BSC Christians showed up. It's all directly related. Gay bashing is now okay, so those that were shamed into silence in the 90's now feel emboldened to be hateful.
Sooner or later these people will answer for what they do. Kharma does work.
I happen to think she looks pretty cool in a tux.
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