Hey little brother, how about we give the right something productive to rant about instead? They want to impose their "morals" across the board to protect children from explicit content. However, as Stephen King points out in his latest editorial in Entertainment Weekly Magazine the real indecency is the prescription drug manufacturer's obsession with advertising drugs to an American public desperate for a quick fix. Drugs that have recently been proven deadly or at the very least could leave you with a four-hour erection! I wonder how Chairman Stevens would suggest I explain to my young daughter what a four-hour erection is and that, no honey you are not in danger of having one.That's very true. But, then - Stephen King is a rather thoughtful person, and certainly one of the most imaginative writers of our generation.
King hit the nail on the head when he wrote, "Want a moral? Try this: If Cox-2 inhibitors are dangerous enough to warrant black-box warnings or even outright prohibition, maybe we should have been worrying a little more about prescription-drug ads on TV all along and a little less about Janet Jackson's boob...which, as far as I know, didn't kill anyone."
Seems to me there are bigger fish to fry than trying to control what I pay to watch or listen to.
But, that is the point, isn't it? Do we embrace blind obedience, or imaginative thought?
The interesting thing is, the Christian right wing actually does think it's more important to control our morals then to address the issues that really are life and death for people.
I keep calling them evil. Am I over stating that? I don't think so. A normal and rational person if presented an option; Solve the issue of the soaring cost of prescription drugs, and drug safety - or, make sure Jesus would approve of what you watch on TV.
I think a rational person would choose to address an issue that has a huge impact on society. The Christian right wing (aka Republicans) would not.
That's why I call them evil.
I'll let you all in on a little secret. I know which side is going to win the culture war. It's obvious. There is a great equalizer in this world. It catches up with everyone eventually. Ask somebody George Bush's age a "moral" question. Then, go ask a 22 year old the same question. Compare the answers. Who's going to be here in 30 years?
I just don't want to wait that long.
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