Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Damn crackas!

It sort of amazes me when I sit here and read one more right-wing Republican horror story after the last.

Today, we have have the Republican's pushing poor people into the street via the new bankruptcy bill, hating gays, and endorsing white supremacist who advocate killing Federal judges.

All in a day's work..

So, I'd imagine we've all heard about the judge's mother and husband being executed in her house. The leading theory (but it's still just a theory) is white supremacist.

"Earlier this week, U.S. Judge Joan H. Lefkow's mother and husband were murdered in their Chicago home. A white supremacist leader, Matthew Hale, is currently serving time in prison for conspiring to assassinate Judge Lefkow. This has led many to speculate that the murderers may have been white supremacists. Indeed, franco-bloggers have identified a couple of Hale's followers as possible culprits."
Hal Tuner chimes in:

"I don't think killing a federal judge in these circumstances would be wrong," he said, referring to the judge's ruling against Hale's group in a copyright dispute over its name. "It may be illegal, but it wouldn't be wrong." - (Turner being quoted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.)
That quote, or course, from Hal Turner. He's a buddy of Sean Hannity, who supported him in his Republican run for congress in 2000.

In August 1998 Turner called into Hannity's WABC show and said that if it weren't for the white man, that blacks "would still be swinging from the trees in Africa." This comment drew no rebuke from Hannity, himself a racial antagonist who even calls Turner at home and plugged his campaign on his show, but rather Hannity continued to race-bait with Turner around a number of political issues. In fact, Turner has said on his radio show, and to us that Hannity had become fast friends. Hannity even invited Turner to sit in on a taping on Hannity and Colmes. Turner told us, however that as Hannity star began to shine a bit more he stopped talking to Turner.
Let me pose a hypothetical scenario. Say you're a white supremacist, and you're looking to join either the Democratic or Republican party. Which one would you choose? Would you choose those jew-spic-nigger-fag loving libruls. Or, would you join a God fearin' party?

Uhhhh duh..

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