Thursday, January 13, 2005

Support the troops - Part Deux

This is a really terrific article about government sponsored health care, specifically the Veterans Health Administration.

What really saddens me is the way that the Bush administration has been so hell bent on cutting VA budgets. They've totally screwed reservists that have been called up to duty by denying them the same medical benefits given to the regular military.

Still, the VA is doing a much better job now, despite the policies of the Bush administration. I've seen, first hand, the effort that the government employees of the VA put into making it work right. I work with some physicians who could easily be making 10 times the money in the private sector, but choose not to because they care about the vets, and they care about teaching new physicans.

I know the typical stereotype of a government employee is somebody that doesn't give a damn. That may be true elsewhere, but not at the VA. That's a damn good thing, because they are really needed now..

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