Thursday, January 13, 2005

Shaun of the Dead

Okay, so not every Brit movie is comic gold. I watched Shaun of the Dead on DVD last night. I have to be fair, I like zombie movies. This one just couldn't figure out what it wanted to be. Is it a comedy? A horror flick? A romance flick? Maybe it tried to be all of those things, and didn't pull off any of them.

You ever notice how movie trailers can be more entertaining than the movies themselves? I think the guy that created the trailer should have been the one who directed the movie. At the very least, they could have come up with some new and interesting ways to dispatch the zombies. Dawn of the Dead had chainsaws. Shaun of the Dead has cricket bats.. ugh...

3 stars out of 5 (one of the zombies was cute - which counts for a point in my book)

1 comment:

Terrible lie said...

The new Dawn of the dead i thought was good..
I have to say that when i saw the preveiw for shawn of the dead i thought it was going to be good... Exactly what it is supposed to be is fuuny/scarey...