Thursday, May 14, 2009

So Why Torture?

The previous administration has been brilliant at shifting the discussion. Why so much discussion on torture? Because it's the most minor war crime they engaged in, and it prevents the discussion of the most damming war crimes committed by Americans in history.

The pre-emptive war in Iraq.

Isn't it interesting that the entire focus of discussion is on torture, instead of a completely unjustified war that has killed at least hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, and thousands of American soldiers?

That is simply brilliant on the part of the Cheney cabal. That's why he's talking about it nearly every day, and doing interviews with the sympathetic Fox news.

Sure.. a couple of lawyers such as Bybee and Yoo might end up getting disbarred as a result of the most heinous crimes in American history.. but it's simply stunning how they've completely taken the bloodbath in Iraq off the table.

But not only have they successfully pushed the Iraq war crimes off the table, they've made the minor torture crimes seemingly innocent by Obama's "we're moving forward" attitude.

And, ultimately, the reason why the previous administration tortured people is to try and establish a link between Al Quaeda and Iraq that never existed, and thus justify their very illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.

It really is remarkable that the discussion isn't about America essentially pulling a German invasion of Poland. We know how that ended up for the German war mongers.. right?


You can read Greenwald to see how Obama is treading into very dangerous waters as well.

It seems to me that if Obama is continuing much of the outright criminal behavior by the government, there's some larger at work.

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