Okay.. I don't get it.
Somebody has a painful personal experience.. Shit happens, right?
So.. what to do?
Write a book, publish all the lurid details and personal anguish.. then go on the talk show circuit, and whore ones self out by marketing very personal things.
What.. the.. fuck?
Why the fuck is she doing that? If she's so pissed off, then divorce and move on.. But nooooooo.. it's all about greed and it is the most disturbing prostitution of ones self to make it all as public as possible.. in order to make money.
Both Edwards' disgust me.. John for being a disingenuous asshole and liar.. and Elizabeth for turning the whole trailer park sordid story into a money making enterprise.
Assholes... just go away, and never come back.. okay?
Oh.. and you know my favorite part? John Edwards.. the Democrat.. family man and husband, was opposed to same-sex marriage...
Ya... ya.. fuck you John, you stupid fuck.
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