Friday, May 08, 2009


West Point graduate, and Army Lt. Dan Choy. He is an Iraq combat veteran, and is an Arabic language specialist. He is the best of what America represents.

He's also gay.. and he's being booted out of the Army because of that.

President Obama has said he would have "don't ask, don't tell" repealed, but it requires Congressional action.

The American tax payers paid the bill to educate this young man.. and he repaid that debt many times over by his service, including combat tours of Iraq.. and this is how that nation repays him for his service?

I cannot begin to express the degree of anger I feel towards the inhuman assholes, whose sole purpose in life is to make other people suffer. They call themselves "religious", and they certainly do uphold the true tenants of religion.

They are the most vile human beings on this planet.

He'll be fine, and whatever quality he has that qualified him to the pinnacle of academic achievement and bravery in combat will surely serve him well in whatever he chooses to do from this point.. but clearly, this nation needs more young people who are willing to do what he did for the nation.. and it is a despicable and cowardly act to cast him aside.

To date, he is one of about 12,500 service members who this has happened to.

Shame on the United States for allowing that to happen.


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