Doug on the significance of the day;
Jesus was crucified, and without the horror of the crucifixion, the Resurrection would not have occurred. Jesus Christ suffered through agony and pain, suffering in ways that Mel Gibson's Movie "Passion of the Christ" could not even capture in its gruesome depiction of Jesus Christ's final twelve hours. The horror of His death was worse than what the movie depicted, or anything they could ever depict. The suffering was greater than any of us could ever understand. He bore the sins of the entire world, past, present, and future, at that moment in time, and the weight of all that sin was so tormenting to bear that He cried out in torturous suffering, "My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me!"
Sick and sadistic
You know its almost an entire other religion in the states this whole "focus on the beating the man took" aspect.
At no point during my childhood while being dragged to church by my parents or going through a religious school was this much focus ever put on the brutality that this dude aparently suffered, it really is a sickness.
Maybe its a cultural aspect, cant say I've ever met a religious person who is that bloodthirsty (a little deluded maybe...).
Jeebus didn't suffer any more than the thousands of other individuals crucified during those times - it was just a common means of execution.
He just 'lived to tell the tale'. *boom-tish*
By the same token, maybe some of the muslims that are to be freed from gitmo can tell their stories and become new modern day mesiahs? :)
That's a really really good point that doesn't get mentioned enough.
Part of the reason why the Loon Brigade has to escalate Jesus' "suffering" is because many mere mortals have given their own lives in much the same way for various reasons.
When you think about it.. what Jesus did (in a literary sense) wasn't shit compared to the suffering other's have put themselves through in order to protect others...
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