Friday, April 24, 2009


The debate on the torturing of prisoners continues unabated, and I just can't understand the arguments from the right. How is it possible that in this age, these people are making the arguments that they are?

Poe's Law aside, the fact is, the American government executed German war criminals for the EXACT same things.

The right wing thinks the ends justify the means. That's heinous.. inexcusable.. and vile.

And when you wonder how dictatorial regimes come to power, you only need to look at the people who, in their cowardice, excuse torturing prisoners, no matter how evil the prisoners are.

I am completely amazed that the right wing, with their heads up Jesus ass, are embracing these patently evil activities that would disgust their own god.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Where was the loon brigade to defend the soldiers convicted in the Abu Graib scandal?

Cherry picking clueless pricks...