Doug's got an awesome new post about his conversion from a godless heathen to a Warrior for Christ. It's a must read..
As I turned away from God, I believed at that time that my life became less meaningful. There was no gratifying end to all the storms of life endured here on Earth. Humanity became nothing more than a group of atoms that, in time, would leave no trace of existence in the giant dustbin that is the vast universe. All human achievements would be lost. No philosophy would remain, no evidence that humanity ever existed. Only the inevitability of nothingness would remain.
That's the standard meme of religion.. it's a very old philosophy.
The assumption goes.. unless one believes that there is a God and that our soul remains intact after death, there is no reason not to be completely immoral. There is nothing to "live" for.. no beauty in the world that could ever have any meaning for what it is.
That is why religion fails.. that is why it is fundamentally flawed and evil.
To make matters worse, because people like Doug are so empty without convincing themselves of the existence of some supernatural overlord, they assume the rest of us are exactly the same.
Truly.. people like Doug cannot possibly understand how an atheist can go through life happy and pleased with joy in the real things that the world gives us all.
Instead.. Doug, and those like him, are so grounded in fear that they cannot possibly imagine how anyone else can find a peaceful serenity in life as it is. Doug assumes everyone else must be as empty and fearful.
I feel sorry for them, that they are so empty and devoid of any real humanity.
I left two comments for him.. the one I'm pasting below.. and one that I'm sure he'll delete because in his post, he claimed;
Intellectualism, and faith, were sworn enemies, in my opinion at that time. I was too smart to follow the faith of my childhood. My 172 IQ demanded that I dispassionately follow the conclusions of the world, rather than a Christian God that only desired to limit me in my life, and hold me back from achieving the greatness I knew was on the horizon for me.
And I nearly spit coffee on my monitor when I read that.. LOL
The IQ's of Steven Hawking and Albert Einstein are estimated at about 160. They've got nothing on Doug.. lol
Anyway.. my comment;
You raise an excellent point that is often missed in this whole debate.
You assume that everyone must be in "despair" if they think that life is truly temporary and there is nothing after.
You state it perfectly;
As I turned away from God, I believed at that time that my life became less meaningful. There was no gratifying end to all the storms of life endured here on Earth.
What you're missing, Doug, is that many atheists, as well as agnostics, deists, etc., don't need to think that life continues after death in order to find meaning in life right now.
People are happy because of life, and do not live in fear of something they cannot control. They are moral just because that is how they are, that is their nature. They need no fear of some deity to give them morality, they just are.
The mistake you make, and which is extremely common from religious people, is that you assume everyone else thinks as you do and has the same fears as you do.
It is true, Doug.. that we come from star dust. Nearly every particle of our bodies was created in the center of a star that became a nova and exploded a very long time ago. In time, we will be again nothing but star dust as our Sun expands to consume our planet, and then explodes.
Nothing will remain.. but the star dust that we were born from.. and that's okay. What we do on this planet, right here, right now, for each other.. that is the meaning of life... we do not need to convinces ourselves of anything else to have that meaning.
Because you need God in order to be a moral human being, it's fine that you believe in God. Whatever works for you is great. Just, please, stop assuming that everyone else needs that same coping mechanism.
We are not all the same.
Doug should apply to MENSA. I'm sure he'd have no problem getting in with his mighty towering intellect.
He's freakin' barely literate, but apparently with a 172 IQ?
He's better than crack.. I cannot possibly stop reading.. and you don't get to see but a sliver of the comments I leave there.. it's just funny as shit..
P.S. You've watched Sunshine to many times :P
lol ya.. i realized that after I typed it.. but it sounded good.. so wtf
"I was at my peak, after all. I was strong, young, virile, and ready to conquer the world. I ran 20 miles a day, could do enough push-ups to put anyone to shame, and I had a crowd of smarts in my brain that still had universities pursuing me"
Doug is not so much a man, but a tiny God.
srlsly.. if I tried to make up a parodoy of a great christian warrior, with rippling abs and an intellect that smacks down nuclear physicists, I could not do it as well as Doug..
Honestly.. I can't imagine anything better than Doug Gibbs..
ahahaha. what i'd do for the ability to draw well sometimes...
Douglas, King of the Loons with his mighty Hammer of Christian Justice.
The thing is; if he was the Doug he describes, but is now the Doug we know - wouldn't that be so depressing you'd just kill yourself? lol
Man, you guys are stupid. I didn't say I have a 172, I had. Past tense. Read thoroughly and in context for once in your frickin' life. And yes, I was highly recruited, but rebelled against it because of all the crap people made of it. But see, you are so blinded with hate, you can't even read what I write thoroughly and correctly. You are a real piece of work. How about, instead of obsessing over me and having wet dreams over me, you actually think about what you write, and write something other than hate and bullshit. Just a thought.
For crying out loud Doug.. your blog is nothing but a massive hate-fest.. I've been detailing it now for ages.. so don't give me that holier than though crap.
And for what it's worth.. we don't really care what your IQ is now.. we're laughing that you claim, at any point in your life, to have had a 172 IQ. That's a joke..
And then you got booted out of uni, with some bizzare story of persecution.. which fits nicely with the persecution comjplex you obviously still have..
I know you think I'm "obsessing", but like I've said a million times, I've yet to find a right wing blogger that is so singularly perfect to use as an example. That's all there is to it.
I do think about what I write.. and I write about specifics and policy.. I quote and link.. I respond the questions..
You just delete anything you can't deal with in your tiny little mind.. You write nothing but gross generalities, completely lacking in any specific policy proposals.. and say the most vile things about various segments of the population. You are frequently demonstrably, factually wrong, and refuse to correct the record. You just delete the comments..
I'm still really pissed off that you chastised me for not responding to one of your arguments.. and when I did, and I crushed your argument and you deleted it off. It takes a massive douche to do something like that, and it's just typical of you...
And then you have the audacity to whine about people trying to "silence" you? For fucks sake man, you delete EVERYTHING you cannot deal with on your blog.
You're a sad little coward Doug, and I love every minute of it. Keep it up man.. never stop.
And just as a demonstration of how bad a writer Doug is.. This is what he actually said..
My 172 IQ demanded that I dispassionately follow the conclusions of the world, rather than a Christian God that only desired to limit me in my life, and hold me back from achieving the greatness I knew was on the horizon for me.There is no past tense reference in that all, other than he claimed that his IQ was far higher than genius at 172 when he was younger, because he makes no mention at all that it's not the general range he currently claims.
To properly make that point, he should have said something along the lines of "My IQ is no longer that super-genius and world dominating, it's a mere genius level of around 145."
Quite simply, he leaves the impression that he continues to claim that number.
Doug simply doesn't understand that because he doesn't understand the basic mechanics of writing. He'd fail English 101..
Assuming he wouldn't get kicked out of college again.
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