This commercial runs on MSNBC rather frequently.. they show shelter animals that need homes.. and they don't depict animals that look "happy".. but rather just the most saddest looks you can imagine.
What happens to the vast majority of these animals is a disgrace.. and it's a direct result of the moral sewer that many human beings exist in..
You can't watch this shit without wanting to both rescue every animal and beat the fuck out of every human being that lets it get to that point in the first place.
John used to be a volunteer for the DFW Cocker Spaniel rescue. He was one of the founding members.. and "board" member.
Some psycho crazy bitches.. the type that think that dogs are actually human, or some shit.. took over the organization.. and started ripping off the the donations, and stopped paying the vets for services to the rescue dogs.
They ran the organization into the ground.. because they are.. crazy.. as fuck.. weird animal freaks that refuse to actually work for a living. They were trying to steal from a charitable organization.
The organization imploded, with all the board members quitting, and the foster dog families refusing to take any more fosters.
In other words.. the greed and corruption of some psycho freaks lead the volunteers to quit.. which will result in many more dogs being put to death rather than finding foster homes.
I got my cat from an RSPCA shelter.
That's very cool.. When I was 22, I got a cat.. well.. I pulled a newborn kitten out of a litter of a stray street cat.. and she was awesome for 16 years.
I'm just pissed off at the way so many people treat their animals.
They've been toying with the idea of banning anything bigger than a Canary being sold in pet shops in Australia - as in no dogs and cats behind glass.
The impulse-buy statistics speak for themselves, with all the abandoned animals shortly after xmas every year.
I think it's a great idea. If you know you want a pet, it shouldn't be an issue to check out a few registered breeders or the local shelter.
Putting cute baby animals in glass pens where they can trigger the nag-factor from kids in shopping malls is a huge gimmick.
My older cat is a 2nd generation of one who was adopted from a shelter, and my younger cat I got from the RSPCA a couple years ago.
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