Friday, April 17, 2009

Deep Thoughts

If an Australian speaks in German, does he still sound like the Crocodile Hunter?


Nolm said...

Most Australians don't sound like the Croc Hunter even when they speak English. lol.

Queenslanders are to Australians what people from Alabama are to the US.

In our case we'd like to pretend they don't exist... but it's like the tourism mecca so often it's hard to keep them hidden from the world as much as we'd like to :)

Kor said...

I did german for 11 years in school, no but theres always an accent there. Same is true of anyone not speaking their native tongue.

Tom said...

Ya.. but see.. I was being rather cheeky in bringing up the croc hunter, because I know it's a stupid aus stereotype that might wind you up..

But still.. it did make me think about the ways certain accents sound in languages other than english.

For what it's worth.. I really like Aus accents.. and it does melt most Americans for some reason.

For the longest time, I couldn't tell the difference betwen English and Australian accents.. but I can for sure now I think. English are more clipped, and Aus are smoother... at least to my ear.

The vast majority of Americans would have no idea...