Duncan Black (Atrios), because he is the master of perspective.

Markos Moulitsas (Kos), because hs is the master of Progressive politics.

Glenn Greenwald for civil liberties and media issues.

Dr. Paul Krugman for economic issues.

Dr. Paul (PZ) Myers for religion and science issues.

Andrew Sullivan for gay issues, and high wankery in blogging.

Scott Adams for humor and philosophical issues.

Douglass V. Gibbs to point and laugh.
Looking at the list of people I read, I've noticed a theme. With the exception of Sully and Doug (which I read more for entertainment than content), they're all geeks... non-religious secularists. From a purely appearance point of view, I'd fit in I think... but I don't have a picture of myself in the style of the others. I'm not very photogenic at all..
There are some people that read me daily (or close to it). Steve, Nolm, Kor, Michael, Lynne, and maybe some others that prefer to lurk.
I started doing this a few years back as a forum to vent on. I am exceptionally amazed and humbled that anyone would read it.
Every day, baby! Sometimes two or three times a day! Keep at it!
I'm a lurker.
I refresh this bitch every 30 mins or so hoping you have another post to occupy my time for a little while. :)
What about your bf???
That goes without saying..
Is it me or does Kos look creepy? Like...creppy enough I had to scroll past him really fast.
I think it might be his right eyebrow that makes him look odd in that pic.. I've seen other pics.. he's got a real baby face.
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