Doug knows what it is;
There is another definition that covers what a real man is all about. This world offers many enticements that are destructive in nature. Lifestyles, addictions, and behavioral fetishes that can destroy the all important concept of the family unit, and the importance of the role of a man in that family structure. Some folks try to justify these behavioral aberrations. But there is no validation out there, especially as long as the standards and principles of morality exist. A real man recognizes this. A real man recognizes when the poison darts of these afflictions are upon them. The man puts on the armor of God - Girdle of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit. They protect themselves in order to protect their family, because if they fall victim, so will their loved ones around them.
Yes.. the "fetishes" and "lifestyles" are "enticements".. ohhhhhh.. yes.. Teh Gay is a powerful lure.. and Douggie is being a Real Man in resisting the temptations of the enticements. His armor is shielding him from sinking to his knees and blowing a bar full of homos..
Pray away Teh Gay!
Here's another God Fearin' pastor who knows what a Real Man does;
In Germany, they have signs that prohibit men from peeing standing up! … I was told that no man in Germany pees standing up. That’s where we are headed in this country my friends. We have a bunch of pastors who pee sitting down. We have the president of the United States who probably pees sitting down. We got a bunch of pastors and leaders who don’t stand up and pee against the wall like a man. That’s what’s wrong with America. 400 years ago, pastors used to stand up and preach that A MAN NEEDS TO BE A MAN!!!! The editors of the NIV and the new King James all pee sitting down! I’ll tell you something, I’m not going to pee sitting down! I’m going to Germany in about a month, and you’d better know I’m going to stand up everywhere I go!
I wonder how many raids Doug had to go on to get all them phat loots.
I tried to find a prot with the shield of faith, and a sword of the spirit instead of an axe.. but whatever.. it's all epic.
Thems sound like some phat lewts!
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