In any case, if you really want to listen to spooky crazy people, the archive is here. You might notice that the first thing I did was call him "Dr. Comfort", which was intentional.. because the man has no academic credentials what-so-ever. I thought it was funny. He did put me on the spot with identification of "transitional fossils", and I did have a giant list of them in front of me.. but go ahead.. try pronouncing any of those names. I dare you.
There is also a chat room going related to the show, and I popped in there to see what was going on. The things these people were saying is amazing.. in a disgusting and vile way. They have such a tremendous disdain for other people, it's shocking.

You may need to click the image to see it clearly. That's just a small sample... and what really strikes me as bizarre is that they actually think they are more "moral" than everyone else, while at the same time condemning everyone else to hell.
The issue of "morality" came up in an offhand way. The crazy people think that the only way people are moral is because of "God". Normal people understand that is crazy, but they actually believe non-believers have no moral compass.
Beside the fact that they have a strangely skewed idea of what is moral and what is not, they don't understand that what we are is a direct result of.. what we are.
Most religions endorse the idea of a soul (or spirit) that is distinct from the physical body. Yet as neuroscience advances, it increasingly seems that all aspects of a person can be explained by the functioning of a material neuroscience begins to reveal the mechanisms underlying personality, love, morality, and spirituality, the idea of a ghost in the machine becomes strained.
Brain imaging indicates that all of these traits have physical correlates in brain function. Furthermore, pharmacologic influences on these traits, as well as the effects of localized stimulation or damage, demonstrate that the brain processes in question are not mere correlates but are the physical bases of these central aspects of our personhood. If these aspects of the person are all features of the machine, why have a ghost at all?
By raising questions like this, it seems likely that neuroscience will pose a far more fundamental challenge than evolutionary biology to many religions. Predictably, then, some theologians and even neuroscientists are resisting the implications of modern cognitive and affective neuroscience
The concept of "morals" is "learned" a variety of ways. Part of it is biology, an intrinsic characteristic of being human. Even monkeys have a moral code, and they have no concept of God. Part of it is taught, where you learn from teachers and family, and so on. Part of it is learned simply through observation of the society around you.
This is why the loons must attack science. Today it's evolution, and tomorrow it'll be neuro science. The good news is the inevitable death of religion is underway. When it's all said and done, all that will remain is the most hard-core of the denialists. The Grand Loon Brigade. The deny that their own biology guides their religious nuttiness, and it's ironic that that same biology causes them to think that way.
I sort of thought about starting my own blogtalk show. I think it would be fun, but the idea of trying to get it off the ground, and actually having to stick to a schedule is rather daunting. Still.. it would be fun to get Steve to be my side kick, because he's just funny as shit.
We could talk about stuff I've written about.. make fun of the Loon Brigade.. and so on. I think people would enjoy it..
A blog talk show? I'd listen!!!
You'd probably be the only one, but thanks.. :)
You do have a pretty good presence on the radio.
The problem you'd encounter is getting listeners at a scheduled time. Most people these days record shit and listen/watch shit that's been recorded. There's no reason to block a time of a day every week to do something anymore. Technology has allowed us to be more flexible.
Granted, knowing this, it would never seem like anyone is listening. You wouldn't have a chat room full of listeners. Although many people may listen to each program, I bet you'd get one or two people to tune in live after the first show. :)
Still doesn't change that you'd be good at it though.
Ya, but you'd have to sign on as well.. because you always sound stoned out of your fucking mind, and it's great.
I suppose I could just record stuff and link to archives, but it would probably sound like lame liberal preaching. The only way it would be really interesting is to get the loons to call so I could argue with them.
I'll think about it.
Hehe. :)
Might be a little different when I'm not boozed up a bit and intently focused on killin shit in a video game, but who knows.
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