Gordon Brown is only the 5th British Prime Minister that has spoken to Congress. MSNBC is the only network broadcasting it.. for whatever that means. Seems odd that Faux and CNN are not.
He gave the expected platitudes to American assistance in World War II and so on.. very eloquent as Brits always are.. and they've even knighted Sir Sen. Edward Kennedy.. lol
The Loon Brigade likes to tout the greater influence of Conservative parties in Europe as them somehow "seeing the light" and so on...
The Loons need to keep one thing in mind. A European Conservative is to the left of the American Democratic party. They embrace full equality, and have national health services. Those things are completely off the table in political discussion in Europe.
At least in terms of British politics, political ideology really only says anything about foreign policy.
He just said we need a "global New Deal".. fuckin' right mate..
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