Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Draft Sarah

An organization dedicated to Sarah Palin in 2012 met last night.. at a Denny's.. which is entirely appropriate.

Please let her get nominated.. please please please

Palin is a vapid ignoramus.. I guarantee you that anyone who reads my blog has at least 30 points of IQ on her, and would make a better Prez..

The reason the Republicans like her is because she's just fucking dumb, which has become a virtue in a party that disdains intellect and education. They aught to get Joe Teh Plumber to be her running mate.

Oh btw.. Bristol Palin broke up with her boyfriend and the wedding is off. Who couldn't predicted that?

Just fucking move her into the trailer already.. christ...


And LA R Senator David "Change My Pampers Mommy" Vitter got in a bitch match at an airport because they wouldn't let him on a plane after they closed the doors. He pulled the "do you know who I am?" card. The airport employee went to call security and Vitter took off.. hit the road.. bailed out.. ran like the fucking little pussy he is.

Conservatives are a bunch of comic book characters now.. Barry Goldwater would be horrified.


Oh.. and the funniest shit ever.. is a meeting with all the Washington muckity mucks to listen to Obama's proposals and ask questions.. and Obama calls on John McCain.. by saying "John, you have a question or comment"? And McCain answers "Mr. President..."

And I laughed.. and laughed.. and laughed..

And I was rolling around on my floor.. not literally mind you because I don't vacuum the floor as often as I should.. but I thought it was awesome to see John McMaverick.. Navy fighter pilot.. Vietnam veteran.. centuries in the Senate... married to a really rich drug addict.. clench his jaw the way he does when he's really pissed off and just wants to beat somebody like a black pajama'd gook while saying.. "Mr. President".

I can't believe I didn't snap a screen shot.. but I was occupied pointing and laughing..

The Republicans are just a party of buffoons.

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