I had thought the Loon Brigade would be out in full force after Obama took office, but I'm pretty stunned how widespread it is. The entire Republican party, all the right wingers, and the hard core crazy people are frothing.. intensely.. already.
The man has been in office something like 5 weeks.
One of the jackasses speaking at the CPAC convention accused Obama of not even being eligible for the office. These people are just fucking insane... but they are playing the crazy card for a reason.
Here's how it works..
Go full tilt at Obama, with no holds barred. Oppose every legislative proposal, no matter what it is. Accuse him of trying to destroy the United States.. threaten to start a civil war to "stop him".. accuse him of being a traitor and a Muslim terrorist sympathizer who wants all of America to become a Taliban controlled theocracy..
There is absolutely no limit.. and the rhetoric is getting extraordinarily dangerous. I really hope Obama's security is on very high alert, because the Republicans are inciting the Loons.. intentionally.. and god knows what those gun freaks will do.
But you know.. the majority of Americans are behind Obama's proposals. They knew what his positions on the issues where before they elected him in a landslide over John McCain. They back his legislative agenda now. The polling is clear on this.
What the Conservatives are trying to do is continuously control news cycles by making the issue of the day about them.. about how much Obama is destroying the nation. They're in the minority now, but they dominate the cable news programs all day long, arguing against straw men and making up complete bullshit about Obama's proposals, hoping that the media will echo it and influence public opinion.
Just a couple days ago, minority leader John Boehner told a bald faced lie and claimed that Obama's tax proposals would raise taxes on ALL Americans.. when in fact, over 90% of Americans will get a tax cut.
He's lying.. for a reason.. and they'll keep getting more outrageous to get on the news and spew more blatant lies, which the idiot talking heads won't call them out on.
The larger issue is that the Conservative/Liberal divide in this nation is coming to a head. Liberals played by the rules when Bush was in office. We criticized his policies. We made fun of his inability to say "nuclear". We thought he was wrong on just about every issue.. but we did not totally disrespect the office of the President. That didn't happen.. and Bush got nearly every single policy proposal passed through congress, with votes from the minority Democrats.
This Republican party is putting an end to that, for a very very long time. There will be no cooperation at all in the future. The Republicans have made that clear. They've been perfectly up front that they will attempt to block every single policy Obama attempts to put into law. There will be no exceptions.
And memories are long.
If there comes a time again when the government is divided.. with opposite parties controlling Congress and the Presidency, nothing will happen for the entire duration of term. It will be all out war, fought in the media that gladly serves it up on a plate to the masses.
I think it's time for Obama to ignore the Republicans and take advantage of the Congress he has now.. improve the nation.. and send those assholes off to the political wilderness.
And you know who the leader of the Republican party is now? Rush Limbaugh.. the drug addict, prostitute freak asshole. Every single one the Republicans are afraid of him because Limbaugh has whipped up the Loon Brigade into such a frothing hysteria, that they dare not speak against them for fear of losing what support they have left...
That's the key really. All the Republican's have left are the White Southern hard-core Christian freaks, and if they do not at least appeal to them, they will have nothing.
The Republican party is teetering on the brink of destruction.. because America is not about Doug Gibbs.. Americans are not insane religious anti-gay anti-science anti-intellectual anti-government crazy people with guns and a propensity towards hatred and violence of anything not like them.
I've been saying it for a while now. The way to total Republican disaster is Sarah Palin, and the embracing of the dumb. It appears they've chosen that route. They do not appear to want to be a reasonable and inclusive political party that has relevance in American politics beside the latest appearance on Bill O'Liely and Sean Mannity's shows.
From what I can see, and it'll be interesting to check back on this in about 3 and a half years. The Republicans are going all in on nutty. I'm curious to see how that's going to work out for them.
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