We went looking at houses yesterday. It's very rare to find something we like, and even if we do like a house, usually there's a number of features we don't like at all.
This particular house is nearly perfect... hmmmm..
We had talked about building a house to spec.. every last square inch exactly as we want it.. but that's a ton of work, time and effort. It's also really expensive. Today we thought.. you know.. the next house doesn't have to be the last house.. so.. hmmm.
That does look epic, I'd live there. Mind you i'd have to hire a gardener, man I hate yard work.
There's some additional photos here... but for some reason, they didn't include the best features.. the master bedroom/bath, the media room.. etc.
It's got tons of great touches, indirect lighting and so on. The only problem is the back yard is small.. so I don't know. The good thing about the yard is that the way it's set up, none of the neighbors can see into the back yard.. so the privacy is nice.
That dark wood floor would need to be replaced and the kitchen cabinets refinished. I don't like dark wood.. Most of the rest on the first floor is a very nice marble, so it wouldn't be overly difficult to change it out. It only has a 3 car garage as well, and we'd like 4.
I'll get some better pictures next week. One of those pictures is of the wine grotto entrance.. which is a rather odd thing to take a picture of..
Oh and ya.. we have a gardner.. and a maid. I can't do yard work without my allergies going crazy on me.
Is there any connection between you not liking dark wood and Obama not being your type? *grin*
Dare I ask why you need a 4 car garage?
Ya.. I'm so racist I can't even have dark wood in a house.. lol
I just like a brighter feel. Dark wood seem too formal and traditional to me. It doesn't reflect sunlight either.
The 4 car garage.. umm.. two for John.. an FJ Cruiser for utility and for me to drive to work.. and one for my car. We could probably do with 3, but one of the cars the maid uses to do the shopping.
I'd also like to get a couple of motorcycles at some point, but I doubt that'll happen.
John is really conservative, so it's hard to say if actually wants to buy a new one. It's a big step to say the least.
i think it would fuck with my mind having that much space. i'd wanna get all philanthropic to offset it.
i live in a 4 bedroom place presently. just 2 of us, one of which is frequently away on business. even now many rooms and spaces are largely unused.
but then other days i love the solitude. go figure. the human mind is a bitch sometimes.
i largely actually agree about the dark wood floors with the exception that i have always liked the idea of having one of those crazy big library/reading rooms in an otherwise modern house. you know - dark woods and leather. heavy curtains.walls of books. one of those cool ladders with wheels to access the high shelves... i like the idea of one of those.
I think it depends on how the space is used. I like large rooms, not many rooms. I've seen houses with 6k+ sq/feet where much of the house is a waste. One of the things I like about this house is the floorplan. It's not perfect, but it's pretty cool.
The house does have a library room. The photographer was pretty bad, but you can sort of see it in one of the pics I linked to. I has a gold colored domed ceiling and all dark wood walls with built-ins throughout. It would never get used, but it could be setup to look pretty cool.
Oh.. and the house has an elevator. I'd probably never use it except to move heavy stuff upstairs, but for what it's worth.. it has one.. lol
i'll come hang out in your library. i will require a monocle and a cane with a brass swan on top.
you can tell guests you have a maid, a gardener and a strange library guy. lol.
We'll get you a smoking jacket as well.
And Some Crystal Glassware and some Brandy.
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