Friday, February 27, 2009


The blog is getting a new look.. so things will be whacky for a bit

I can't use a post font beyond 12 points otherwise the entire thing goes away and you only see the background... I tested this on Douggie Watch and it doesn't do that there.. grrrr

I think it's done.. opinions? How does it look?

I still need to figure out the deal with the font though.. I'd like it a bit more readable. I also want to move the comment link over to the right, and I can't figure out how to do that and get it in the right spot.. yet..


YaY.. fixed the font.. I had to change the type of font as well as the size. I think that'll do for now. I'll just have to see if I get used to it, because I'm so used to reading the blog the old way, it's kind of disconcerting.

All that's left is to fix the location of the comments link and fix/find a pic for the top. If anybody wants to contribute to the search, that would be nice. It needs to be wide and short (can be cropped).. with a way to get the blog name on it in a cool way... plus fit the sort of industrial/progressive theme that the blog is now.

/update 2

I like the banner.. I think I'll use it.. I'm very happy with how it looks.. a major improvement.


Steve said...

I like it. One thing that's been bugging me forever though is the top logo. The right side of it just looks like a really bad tile job. Any chance of fixing that up?

Tom said...

It is a really bad tile job.. not sure how I could fix that.. the image needs to be that wide... hmmm.

Tom said...

I sorta fixed it a bit.. but I should get a new image.. I'll look for one.

Steve said...

That looks lots better... but looks stretched now. :P