Thursday, February 26, 2009

Asshat Quote of the Day

“I’m not saying this (homosexuality) is the only sin that’s out there. We have murder. We have all sorts of sin. We have adultery. And we don’t make laws making those legal, and we would never think to make murder legal.”

Who does that sound like? Might it be some vile asshole who I have a tendency to reference often?

No.. it's state senator Scott Renfroe of Colorado..

Imagine the pure unmitigated evil, the moral depravity, that is required to equate gay people to murderers.. just imagine it..

And they wonder why we think they hate us.. and why (the honest ones of us) hate them back.. Fortunately, there's nothing they can do about it..


Joe Teh Plumber is on my teevee.. but fortunately it's being used to ridicule him.. while some "Republican strategist" is fumbling to try and defend featuring Cleetus at a policy convention.

Joe was a "featured speaker" at the Republican CPAC convention. Joe is an unlicensed "plumber" with tax liens against him, and no particular expertise in politics or policy.

In other words.. he's a completely jackass.. and I think it's awesome that the Republicans are making him their poster child. That is the Conservative movement now.. Palin/Plumber 2012!!! Feel the Dumb!!

Just when you think they can't get any dumber, they rise to the occasion. I'm surprised they didn't invite the 14 child, out of work, living with parents, idiot breeder.

And of course.. they don't just try and justify the dumb.. they embrace it. Dumb is a virtue.

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