Thursday, January 29, 2009

A New Level of Vile

Doug has a few posts that he writes, over and over and over in slightly different forms.

Liberal economic policy is bad
Islamofascists want to lop your head off
Illegal immigrants will terk yer jerbs
Securlar Humanistas want to exterminate all Christians
Teh Gay

He's got a new post up about the horrors of being gay... which I imagine Doug is very knowledgeable about because he's a closet homo, with a homo father. Well, the first part I'm just guessing at, the second part is absolutely true. However, clearly, gay sex is on Doug's mind frequently.

What I've noticed from Doug lately is that his rhetoric is taking a step up. I suppose that happens when your ideology has no real influence in American politics. Frustration sets in.. and the only control he has is to get more inflammatory in his accusations and bile.

Doug isn't terribly original, and it's obvious he gets his direction from others (I've even caught him plagiarising AP writers), so I expect his new word came from somebody else.

That new word is "fetish", but of course, Doug is so stupid, or the people he's cribbing these things from are so stupid, that he doesn't even understand what that word means.

The funniest part of the whole thing is that Doug truly doesn't understand why people like me think he's a scum bag. He's just trying to show us his love, by helping us understand that we are inferior human beings.

In this edition of Teh Gay is Bad, MMMkay!, he's comparing me to a drug addict, which I suppose is a step up from when Doug compared me to a murderer. I suppose that's only fair, as I compare Doug to a can of Spam.

For those that believe that the gay lifestyle is immoral behavior, in the eyes of the gay agenda, are wrong for believing that homosexuality is wrong. The gays, in the hopes of justifying their fetish, are trying to convince everyone that their behavior is a genetically affected behavior, and that it is somehow normal for them to feel the way they do. They are trying to equate this with someone having red hair, or being born with freckles, or with being of a particular race, or what not.

I hate that word "lifestyle", as if somebody simply wakes up one day and decides they are attracted to members of the same sex. For the most part, being gay leads most people to a more difficult life because of the ignorance of the society around them. That somebody would simply choose to be gay is one of the dumbest things that anyone could argue, but it's really not that surprising because they truly are some of the dumbest people on the planet.

There likely is genetic components to it, but I'm not a biologist, and I've not read much research on the topic because it's irrelevant. Of course, Doug doesn't support his argument with any evidence, because he never does. He thinks substantiating a point with data is for people beneath him. He simply wants to proclaim everything as if it is a fact, and everyone is supposed to nod their heads and agree. This is because Doug is, fundamentally, (say it with me!) a very very stupid person.

Regardless of the roots of it, it simply is. I feel as natural and normal as anybody else, and if somebody has an issue with who I choose to be with, that's their problem, not mine. It is exactly like having a rare genetic trait.

They are essentially in a burning house, I am trying to warn them that their house is burning to the ground, and they need to take action to escape the burning house and save themselves, and they are calling me a "hater" as I run to get the hose to help them extinguish the flames.

I have never understood that mentality, and in my love, I am sorry to see that it is that way.

I've tried warning Doug that he's a very stupid person, continually demonstrably wrong, and his behavior is going to lead to other new levels of stupidity. He needs to take some action to sort that out, otherwise he will continue to marginalize himself in a vast sphere of whack-a-loonery. I only point this out to him out of my love and concern for his well being. Being monumentally stupid is no way to live life.

But I do appreciate his trying to help all of us. He loves us so much that he wants us to realize that we are sub-human, inferior, going to die early and be thrown in the fiery pits of hell.

How dare we think he's hating! Oh My Fucking God, how could I have ever thought that?

Really.. go read the whole thing. It's a perfect example of his ideology.. weird whacked out fringe christianity, bizarre "conservative" hating, all wrapped up in an inhumane view of the world. People like him truly are the most twisted and sick individuals on the planet.

Oh.. and Hey Doug? Fuck you.. asshole.


And of course, my comment on his post that he (naturally, because he's a raging coward, unable to confront dissent) deleted.

Where is your evidence that the "death rate" among homosexuals is higher than heterosexuals? Oh that's right.. you didn't cite anything, because you never do. Oh, I know.. you read something from Paul Cameron.. the guy that was thrown out of his professional associations.

Here you go. The majority of AIDS cases world wide are in heterosexuals in Africa. In the US, infection rates run about 70/30 men vs. women. It's 60/15 homosexual versus heterosexual.. but by your reasoning, heterosexual sex isn't safe because of the possibility of contracting any number of STD's, including HIV. It's simply due to nature of the virus that homosexual sex can lead to a more likely transmission.

In other words, the virus is not targeting any particular group. It's not making a moral decision. Risky behavior is independent of sexual identity, whether it's sex or drug use, alcohol use, cigarette use, or virtually anything that can be harmful.

But beyond that, there's absolutely no difference between homosexual sex and heterosexual sex, except for the possibility of a pregnancy. Both pose a risk, which can be mitigated.

It's weird, though, this fetish you have for gay sex. You seem to think about it a lot.

Actually.. where did you get this new word you're using.. "fetish"? It doesn't mean what you think it does. But hey, at least this time you're only comparing me to a drug addict and not a murderer as you have done before.

You know.. I'm not feeling the "love" here. I have a great relationship.. and we don't care if you approve, because to be honest, we don't approve of you. However, I really don't care what you do, or what you say. It makes no difference to me. I just don't need your "warning". We're just fantastic as-is, and if I could change anything, I wouldn't change a thing.

However, that you are so insistent to deny same-sex couples the same civil rights as anybody else.. now that's a different story. You still haven't explained how Loving vs. Virginia was "judicial activism", nor why it's not a direct analogy to same-sex marriage. Even justice Scalia realizes that. Beyond that, I find it very odd that you would have this point of view considering that prior to 1968, your marriage would have been illegal in 13 states. The reasoning behind the anti-miscongeniation laws were exactly the same ones you make, virtually verbatim.

You cite no evidence (again, sounding like a parrot now), that being gay is nothing more than a low percentage biological difference, the same as a rare eye color, or simply being left handed. Nobody in their right mind simply wakes up one day and chooses to be gay. It's just how some people are, and there's not a thing in the world wrong with it. And yes, I know, you don't think it's a "choice" either, but being true to ones self is a choice. We're supposed to go completely counter to our nature, even though we would be miserable.. or better yet, celibate.. right?

Ultimately, what you think isn't going to matter. Once the genie is out of the bottle, there's no putting it back in. History will judge your point of view.

In the meantime, there's nothing you can do about people like me, and millions of others. We'll have relationships.. raise kids.. be involved and raise families.. get married.. and you have absolutely no control over that. Does it make you crazy? Does it bother you that we can be completely happy despite what you think of us? Does it irritate you that we don't care what you think about us, and know there's a lot of people like me that pity you for your bigotry? Are your raging because my partner and I are completely healthy, always have been, and are absolutely convinced that we are totally normal?

Actually.. we're not "normal".. we're way way beyond normal... and you can't touch us.

I know.. you really want us to think we're somehow inferior. You want us to think that maybe there is something wrong with us, but we aren't, and we won't. In fact, I think I'm a hell of a lot more human for understanding what love really is.. and basic human dignity and equality.

Finally, regardless what happens with prop 8, all of those people that were married, will still be married in their eyes. They'll still continue to fight the good fight. I'm sure you've seen the trends in public acceptance. You think you can reverse that?

Good luck.


We don't have kids, but we might, who knows?

This is the Texas Republican party platform from 2008.

We also believe that no homosexual or any individual convicted of child abuse or molestation should have the right to custody or adoption of a minor child, and that visitation by such persons with a minor child should be prohibited [p. 14]. . . .

These people are scumbags.. and it's why I despise them. To them, simply being gay is exactly the same as being a child molestor.

We won't lift a finger for them. We won't help anyone with that point of view. We would not give them a bottle of water if they stumbled out of the desert. We would leave them on the road if they were stranded.

What these people (term used loosely) propose is the destruction of families, going so far to rip your own children out of your own home, simply because you are gay. They would criminalize you even visiting your child.

If they ever came for mine, they'd better bring really big fucking guns.

/update 2

By the way.. Texas is full of heterosexual white trash trailer parks. The christian freaks insist they keep breeding, as much as possible.. What a horrible life for a child.

John and I could give a child the best life imaginable.. the right kind of values.. the best kind of humanity.. the best schools that money can buy (we could afford the most expensive universities in the world).. and every single opportunity in life that anyone could possibly have.

Texas Republicans think the child would be better off in the trailer park.

When Doug wonders why I hate.. why we hate.. well, mother fucker.. that's it.


Anonymous said...

Page 12 sent shivers down my spine. How can people be so vindictive yet so "christian". I'm sure Jesus would jump on their bandwagon...NOT. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Tom said...

How can they be so vindictive?

Simple.. that's the way religious nuts have always been. It's a requirement for religion to exist that it have a target of condemnation. If they did not have a target, religion would fall apart.

They're not ashemed of themselves at all. In fact, if you read Doug's post.. it's quite the opposite. He only feels better about himself, about his choice to be in-fucking-sane, by casting derrision on other people.

It's not surprising he deleted the comment I left.. Not only is he a complete coward in his original post.. he's a coward when I confront him on it.

That's a big part of religion as well.. an underlying cowardice.