Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Asshat Quote of the Day

Thanks! - some jackass

I read a report the other day about some governmental agency nearly losing their email server because some dipshit "replied all".

I work with a very large governmental agency, and that was the text of an email that I just got.. It went to thousands and thousands of people.

I remember last year somebody did that (massive reply all) and included large attachments. Everything ground to a halt.

Even in my universe of employment, there are very stupid people... but even better, the originator of the email could address the mail group as a blind carbon copy (BCC), thereby disallowing the possibility of a "reply all".

Fuckin' idiots

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm one of 2 people that look after the email infrastructure of one of our government departments. This shit happens all the time.

Hell I think it was November last year when some dipshit decided it would be a good idea to sent 2 messages totalling at 14meg to an entire state. The state server shat itself and It was left to me to fix it. And people hitting reply to all on all staff messages certainly isnt a new thing.

Half the support I do is making up for someone elses stupidity. The sheer number of moron's I see working for the public service is mind boggling.